To begin with, Kool Herc created Hip Hop on 1973 in 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, Bronx New York. He threw and DJ a party for his sister, which became first time people, heard hip-hop. The way he did it is that he will take records and only play the break of a song continuously. A break …show more content…
Ready know that deejay is one of them. Another element is the emcee is a person on a microphone spitting rhymes or hyping up the crowd. The elements of emcee are rhyme scheme, delivery, breath control, and word play. In the 70s the emcee will introduce the deejay because in those day the deejay is the main front of the party. After through the years the emcee started inventing rapping and rhyming over the beat the deejay was spinning. According to “The MC Master of Ceremonies to Mic Controller” by Grandmaster Caz of the Cold Crush Brothers, “By 1977 the MC had become a fixture in every hip-hop crew. Crews started to pop up like toast.” The competition increase throughout South Bronx. According to Grandmaster Caz, “There were many wannabes in the first crop of MCs.” The Emcee had to be nice on the microphone to get your respect like the deejay. Who had to be good to scratch and control the crowd. In those days the rapper was talking about their crew and great they were. Pretty much braggadocious. According to Grandmaster Caz,” Busy Bee was the first MC to translate that disco MC style to hip-hop. He is the hip-hop master of audience call and response.” After that more groups came like the furious 5 and the Cold Crush Four MCs. Later on the M.C. grew as a role model. Having style of clothing, what they are rhyming about, and even their walk. The next element is breakdancing. It is known in the world be the main hip-hop dance …show more content…
Mainly talking about graffiti. People back in days did not like how they would draw in area without anyone permission. It was considered to be disrespectful. Watching the movie the Get down which talks about kids in Bronx discovering hip-hop and creating hip-hop and going through obsacles in the Bronx. So in the Get Down, one of the characters is a graffiti artist and one of the scenes were him and his friend spray painting a subway train and the police came. And his friend was caught and put in jail.
In conclusion, Hip-Hip is not just about rapping. It is a movement. No a culture that help create lanes to ghetto kids and was able to get out of the rumble in the Bronx. The Godfathers were innovators. The Kool Herc the creator has led the way how a DJ now spin a record, same as Grandmaster Flash with his scratching. Lastly with Afrika Bambaata, he was the one that gave purpose for people to do this art form. Able to represent it in a positive way. Teaching Kids to become leaders and guiding them in the right path. Also creating the biggest Hip-hop organization called the Zulu