1.1 The development of Futhark
1.1.1 The runic alphabet as an Old Germanic writing tradition
1.1.2 Old English literature in the period of Anglo-Saxon ethnic extension
1.2 Linguistic situation in the Middle English
1.2.1 Linguistic situation in Medieval England after the Norman Conquest
1.2.2 Dialectal Diversity in the Middle English Period
1.3 The Middle English corpus
1.3.1 Geoffrey Chaucer and his lending support of the London Standard’s diffusion
1.3.2 The role of the printing in the formation of the English language
1.3.3 Principal Middle English written records as a reflection of ongoing changes in Standardization
2.1 Origins of Standard English
2.1.1 The Rise of Standard English
2.1.2 The importance of London English
2.1.3 The importance of Chancery Line
2.2 Middle English Spelling and Sounds
2.2.1 Changes in Spelling due to the introduction of French scribal tradition
2.2.2 Middle English Pronunciation
2.3 Changes in Grammar in Middle and Early New English
2.3.1 Middle English Noun
2.3.2 Middle English and Early New English Adjective and Pronoun
2.3.3 Middle English and Early New English Verb
2.4 The complexity of Middle English Vocabulary
2.4.1 French factor in the development of Middle English Vocabulary French influence on the English Vocabulary Core semantic spheres of loanwords from French
2.4.2 Latin borrowings in the Middle and Early New English
2.4.3 Other sources of borrowings in the Middle English CONCLUSION
INTODUCTION linguistic history english language
The English language has had a remarkable history. When we first catch it in historical records, it is a language of none-too-civilized tribes on the continent of Europe along the North Sea. From those murky and undistinguished beginnings,
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