Tika Steepe
Dr. Maribeth Clarke
The history of psychological testing is a gateway of development and has a copious significance to modern-day procedures. Taking into account that contemporary tests is just is merely an off- spring from this fruition; these methods of tests grew gradually way of a multitude of predecessors within the time span of one hundred years. This paper will be exploring a historical event that took place in China that assist with the psychology assessment that we use today.
One of the branches of Clinical Psychological, Psychology Assessment, specializes in the area of measurement: traits, characteristics, and human abilities. Primarily, utilize by psychologists to tests the quantity of intelligence, personality characteristics, and cognitive (e.g., thinking, attention, memory) characteristics (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2010).
Appling measurement gives a hypothesis to the questions of what, why, where, and who including that of space and time. Psychological measurement is primarily focused in on answering these question that of humans. The tactic of these inquiries is driven purely by our beliefs and curiosity concerning the nature of why we exist.
From written documented history let us benefit and observe the nature of human’s ability to thrive throughout the many eras in order their desired to answers their “whys” in the many different forms. As a result of the many professionals; their answers is in focuses of the “whys” they questioned and tried to answer.
The origin of psychology assessment is believed to have begun in China approximately in 2200 B.C.E. Government officials established this assessment test because of the overwhelming number of people that were applying for civil servant jobs. This method of conducting assessments was the rave of this era; obtaining a civil official position base off of a point system instead of lineage or influential connections, instituting a
References: Cohen, J. & Swerdlik, M. (2010). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (7th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Elman, B. (2000). A cultural history of civil examinations in late imperial China. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Liangyan, G. (1998). Rou putuan: Voyeurism, exhibitionism, and the examination complex. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), 20, 127– 152.