There are many different ideas as to what a sex worker is. A sex worker is someone who uses sexual acts in return for money, services, or products. The person benefiting on behalf of the sex worker can be the actual sex worker or someone referred to as a pimp. Throughout history, people around the world have had different views of sexuality. Sex work is an area of sexuality that has been around for centuries. There are many different areas of sex work. There are such things as prostitution, pornography, sex tourism, and the sex trade. Sex workers are present in almost every country.
In the Middle East, Islams believed that sex was meant to be enjoyed by both the male and the female. Sex was not allowed outside of marriage. It was believed that extramarital sex would so powerful that it could disrupt society (King, 156.)
Once a girl hits puberty in Australia, she was deflowered. She could be forced into group sex with the elders after this surgery. Australians believed that gang rape was an acceptable punishment. This was used because a woman finding their own partners was frowned upon. A woman’s sexuality was controlled by the male figure. He could give his bride to other men in order to repay debt, or abolish offenses he may have done (King, 279.)
In the Brazilian Highlands, it was frowned upon to have sex before marriage. These types of women were forced into the status of “wanton.” Wantons were not married. They relied on the men they had sex with to care for them. Some women did not have a family capable of arranging marriages. These women were also forced to become wantons. These women could have been captured for the sex trade, orphans, or refugees (King 100.)
Thailand has seen a great influx in the amount of tourism. This is due to something referred to as sex tourism. Thailand is a third world country, yet it is emerging as an economic leader. According to Professor Krikiat Phiapatserithan of Thammasat University, sex tourism generates $1.5
Cited: Sexually Transmitted Diseases 31.11 (2004): 695-700. American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association Jubilee Campaign. (25 August, 1998). Child Prostitution in Thailand. 28 Feb. 2011 <>. King, Glenn E. "New World Domain: Southern American Zone: Brazilian Highlands Area." Traditional Cultures A Survey of Nonwestern Experience and Achievement. Long Grove: Waveland Press, Inc, 2003. 100. Print. King, Glenn E. "Oceanic Domain: Australian Zone." Traditional Cultures A Survey of Nonwestern Experience and Achievement. Long Grove: Waveland Press, Inc, 2003. 279. Print. King, Glenn E. "Old World Domain: Central Zone: Middle East Area." Traditional Cultures A Survey of Nonwestern Experience and Achievement. Long Grove: Waveland Press, Inc, 2003. 156. Print. World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. (2000). Backgrounder 1: Prostitution of children. 26 Feb. 2011. <> . World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. (2000). Overview (Online). 26 Feb. 1011. <>.