Based on the above quote from Scientia Sexualis, in The History of Sexuality, Foucault writes about the nature of secrecy and confession in terms of sexuality. The first sentence explains that, “from the Christian penance to the present day,” the concept of sex is one in which people keep to a confessional manner. Throughout history, when a subject was kept within the realm of “confession”, it meant that the only time that subject was discussed or talked about was during a confession period with a religious leader or symbol, such as a priest or God. Therefore, since sex was supposed to be a subject left for confession, it was “a thing that was hidden.” What if, as Foucault brings up, one was to confess their sexuality? Foucault writes that, since sex is expected to be concealed by people in terms of not talking about, it makes them feel more duty-bound to admit and express it. The idea of suppression and censorship often urges people to confess; “concealing it all the more and with greater care as the confession of it was more important.”
I agree with the point that Foucault makes. I think that the more a person is urged to not do something, the more they are actually drawn and attracted toward doing it. When talking about sex is not encouraged or deemed “off-limits”, people find a certain allure and pleasure in its confession; “Evading the truth, barring access to it, masking it: these were so many local tactics which, as if by superimposition and through a