Elrond, High Chief Elf in Rivendell, is one of the more obvious great leaders within Middle Earth. He is depicted as being brave, wise, peaceful and hospitable. He is not a major character, but shows great importance for the role he plays helping the company. He welcomes Thorin’s company, feeds and gives them rest. He also aids the company on their journey by translating the moon-letters on the map, which he then gives the company advice as what to do. Towards the end of the story, he once again gives …show more content…
While the actual master of Esgaroth (Lake-town) cowered and scurried away like a frightened mouse at the sight of the dragon, Bard took charge and encouraged the men to continue fighting against the dragon. Eventually, Bard found Smaug’s week spot and killed him. Smaug’s defeat resulted with the destruction of Lake-town. Bard managed to get the people to calm down, got some shelters built, and sent word for help to the elves. Bard, the men and some elves went up to the mountain seeking gold from the dwarves to help them build a new city. They were denied. They kept trying, but eventually this resulted in battle. The war began as just the Dwarves versus the men and the elves. It later turned into a battle with the goblins and the wargs; the opposing sides joined up to fight the ultimate enemy. Together they won the battle and the dwarves, men and elves became compromising allies bringing peace and harmony for the time