
The Hobbit Movie Vs Book Essay

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The Hobbit Movie Vs Book Essay
The Instant Skin-Changing Roar
ROAR! And there goes Beorn through the meadows and into his own home as he gets his head stuck through the door, right after the party enters! There is a small hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, who is invited, by a wizard named Gandalf, to a journey where there are many dangers that are encountered with some characters.There are little to no characters who help and support the party throughout the remaining part of the journey. One of those type of characters, is named Beorn. Beorn is a character that appears in the novel named The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. There is a remake of the book in a movie version called The Hobbit and it is directed by Peter Jackson. The book was originally published during the year 1937. The movie of The Hobbit was released in the year 2012. In the movie, Gandalf, Bilbo, and the dwarves meet Beorn in a dramatic way in which Beorn chases them to his own home, while in the novel Gandalf tells the party to go in pairs to make it as interruptions to make Beorn more interested in the story and if they were to be sent off at once then they would seem like suspicious beggars. Also, in the movie, the party slept in on hay while in the novel Beorn’s beds are described as beautiful-looking and rich-looking. Otherwise, the book is more effective than the film.
In the first place, the party meets Beorn two at a time at Beorn’s house
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Well, the book was originally published in the year 1937, while in the other hand, the movie was released in the year 2012. Obviously, the book is original and the movie is not because the movie is a remake. The book will be more effective because if Peter Jackson were to have copied the book, then the public/audience would be watching the movie, since most of the community will be lazy to read the book. The book is more effective because of its

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