Not obeying will make success impossible, because they will be trying to take the land without the help of their greatest strength, God. Verses 9-10 and 11-12 describes the Promised Land as flowing with milk and honey; this means that it is filled in abundance with what they might need and desire. A land of mountains and valleys are closely observed by the Lord (McIntosh, 2002). Verses 13 and 14-15 repeat again that the commands need to be followed. Calling again for them to love the Lord and serve Him. He will supply them with an abundance of rain and they will be satisfied because they have obeyed His commands. Verses 16-17 refers to the possible reactions of the people while living in the promise land. Their satisfaction and abundance of their desires might cause them to forget about what God has provided for them. Letting the people know what will happen if they decide to turn away from Him, might discourage them from doing …show more content…
The land is closely observed by God and He promised to send rain during a brief period of the year. There were two seasons: autumn and spring rains. This makes sense, as God can make rain stop and make the lands become desolate if His people decide not to obey His commands. Also, I learned from this quote, “from everyone who has been give much, much will be demanded and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (McIntosh, 2002, p. 146). God expects a lot out of His people and they should follow Him as that in itself is a reward. The people of Israel might have been expected to trust God with a lot and do what he asks of them; but, they have been promised a land full of abundance (McIntosh,