We arrived on their streets at noon, so everyone would know we are here. To frighten them. We walked …show more content…
We then began to enforce rules on these animalistic fools. Later, the Hungarian police came into their houses and forced them to give up any objects of value that they own. I watched it as it happened. Their reactions were confused, clueless, shocked. It was not long until they also had to wear yellow badges for us to identify them easily, although I can tell who is a Jew just by their faces. I am far too familiar with them. They also weren’t allowed to go anywhere or wander the streets. Their freedom was being sucked out of their life before they can even blink. This is what I call entertainment. That was just the beginning of their …show more content…
They were moved into a dirty, old, rusty, ghetto. The conditions were horrid. How was one still able to live there? I heard from one of my men that they appointed a new police force, council, and more. Why don’t these idiots just give up, I thought. They were truly idiots. Basically, all their freedom is gone and they aren’t fighting back so what’s the point? They are only going to make it harder for themselves. If they continue to build our anger up, then something worse is going to happen to them.
The news has spread that they were being deported. Our forces and I forced them out of the ghetto and emptied out the streets. Our police forces came out and handled the situation. They beat the people that refused to cooperate with us as I stare at them, smirking, soaking in their misery. We have been nice for far too long. Pain. Terror. That was what their faces perceived. Their eyes and body shaking with terror. Joy burst within