1. When the teacher comes in, be conscious that the class is set to begin. Hence everyone must dispose himself/herself to help establish an atmosphere conductive to learning right at the start.
2. People in the frontline in particular should arrange their seats with proper spacing and the rest align their seats with those in front. do not wait for the teacher to arrive to tell everyone to do it.
3. Before the prayer begins, put your cell phones on a silent mode or switch them off. The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is prohibited including group activities. If someone needs to use his/her cell phone, s/he may go out of the classroom to do the texting or call.
4. No one is allowed to transfer to another seat.
5. Doing something that is not ReEd-related is prohibited.
6. Sleeping is prohibited. If someone feels drowsy s/he should go out and do something outside to kill drowsiness.
7. Calling someone or saying something in so loud voice that it creates noise pollution inside the classroom is prohibited.
8. Eating and drinking are not allowed inside the classroom./ If one needs to eat/rink for health reasons he/she must do it outside the classroom.
9. Disruptions/disturbances of any form is strictly prohibited.
10.If someone wants to go out, all s/he needs to do is to raise his/her hand and make the go-out sign. No one should go out without the permission of the teacher.
11.Before the dismissal, the class will make sure the seats are in order and pick up any trash, if there is, near one's seat, and throw it inside the garbage bin outside.
May Lanie Abadiez
3 : 3 0 - 4 : 3 0