The Honey Bee Story
1. The „HD loves HB” campaign means that the Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream company want to keep honey bees, these little heroes buzzing. They made up an integrated marketing communications campaign to provide a premium quality Vanillia Honey ice cream with natural flavours thanks to the honey bees , and save as much bees as they can. They made a website where they show how can you help the nature and the bees. They wrote down the steps to help the process of the pollination and the raising of the bee-colony, for example buy cartons, plant wildflowers, etc.. With these ideas the leaders acchieved to give to the brand an enermous soul and a heart. They simply want to keep these little workers alive and reach of their high increment. They printed a lots of advartisements, made a website (, created a Bee Tv on this web, made affordable to purchase a lots of Bee Ts with funny phrases , and made a donation opportunity to the bees with share the company plans and brand on the twitter social network to promote it (1$ per share). They really want to save the bees not just selling their products, this intention can be the secret of their success.
2. Yes of course, cause they communicate successively with the customers and they took aim at the public sphere too, not just to the consumers with using the TV hypes, ads and the word-of-mouth marketing mix tools. The upshuts resounding in every minutes on the site, twitter and everywhere. The company gave samples of the Vanillia Honey ice cream to every farms across the country with wild flowers seeds in gratis to promote their goals. It can reveal to their mentality.
3. This story relates in every sentences. They using the marketing mix tools in a useful way to an integrated marketing communications campaign. The company uses the social networks as the Twitter, Tv hypes, ads, and the internet. They built good customer relationships, communicate their value propositions