Timothy's loving actions for Levi benefit his family, but lead Timothy to trouble in K.A Holt's House Arrest. Ever since Levi was born, Timothy's family has been considered different, but Timothy is unlike most kids in a special way. What sets him apart is his loving passion throughout the book for his brother. What is loving? It is one person's willingness to put someone else's needs in front of their own. He even differs from his best friend José in this way, because José always talks about "how much he hates his sisters" (60). Timothy is different because he would do anything for Levi, even steal a wallet and risk going to juvie. Timothy's quality is weaved into the story many times throughout the book, starting right when we open the book. …show more content…
This quote shows that when you do something crazy without even pondering over it, then there has to be an emotion controlling it. In Timothy’s case, the emotion controlling his actions is love. Another smaller action of his compassion is when he signs up for the Carnival of Giving to help his family and his baby brother, although he is scared of what people might think of him, his heart leads him to taking this risk. The most important and impactful loving scene in the book, is when Timothy is driving Levi to the hospital in a stolen car without a license, but saving Levi’s life, but this only gets Timothy right back to where he started, juvie. Throughout the book, Timothy's heart grows along with the trouble he is in. It seems that as the book progresses and the more love and compassion Timothy shows for Levi and their family, the more reasons there are for him to go to juvie. Punching a kid, driving and stealing a car, and breaking the rules of house arrest, all out of love for a baby. Why does Timothy give up a normal life for Levi? Why is Timothy on house arrest? Why does Timothy steal a car? Why does Timothy steal a wallet? All of these questions fall