27. Aunt Lupe died from a disease, that made her bones weak and never went away. Esperanza and her friends enjoyed coming over to Aunt Lupe’s apartment, reading her books, playing games with her, and reading their poems to her. Esperanza and her friends also imitated Aunt Lupe right before she died, “.... pretended with our heads thrown back, our arms limp and useless, dangling like the dead.” When Aunt Lupe died Esperanza and her friends had forgotten she had been dying for a long time because of her disease that would not go away. Esperanza believes she deserves to go to hell because she imitated Aunt …show more content…
Esperanza is jealous of Lois, Sire’s girlfriend as portrayed in many lines in House on Mango Street. “Sometimes I hear them laughing late, beer cans and cats and the trees talking to themselves: wait, wait, wait.” Esperanza is always watching Sire and his girlfriend, “Sometimes I hear them laughing,” and this shows Esperanza is jealous of Lois. Also “I want to sit out bad at night, a boy around my neck and wind under my skirt.” Esperanza always sees Sire and Lois together she is jealous of Lois and wants a boyfriend like, “ a boy around my neck.” Esperanza would be jealous of Lois because she has a boyfriend and Esperanza does not have one, but she wants one. It is important to know that Esperanza likes to be like everyone else, wants a boyfriend like Lois and wanted to eat in the school lunchroom like several other