There are several different ways people may search for meaning in their lives. In The Human Experience, the brothers found meaning in their lives by living the lives of others who were in a worse situation than them. An example of this is after living with the homeless in New York, the brothers were overwhelmed by the love and pursuit of life, as well as the positive attitude, many of the homeless people had. From this, they learned to relate the mindsets to their own lives and by doing so, found more joy and happiness in their overall existence. Another way people may look …show more content…
She’s your sister. Life is other people”. I believe this to be true as our relationships with our family and friends defines who we are. Without the people around us, ethics and morality would not be as important because we would not have to worry about how our actions are affecting those around us. Having a deep consideration for human ethics and morality enables us to live our lives for others, as well as guides us to personal happiness and freedom. In the movie, the brothers experienced happiness and joy when helping the children at the hospital in Peru. They saw how joyful and grateful the children were for giving them their attention and that joy reflected back onto them. This is why it is important to live an ethical and moral life, not only for those around you, but for love of you. Our lives are made up of those around