I am really pissed at Katniss. SWEEHEART, PEETA LUVS YA! And you love him too! Just admit it and live happily ever after! It is so obvious that when he "admitted" his crush that he was being real. And for some dang reason you can't FREAKIN' SEE IT! I mean it is in your face! Like right there. And you can't see it. And why does your mind keep wandering to Gale? Did you not already say you were just friends? I mean, okay, I guess I can understand if you are starting to grow feelings for him...sorta. But PEETA, GIRL! PEETA. THE BOY WITH THE BREAD. He cares for you deeply and you only fake it for the cameras. Can you seriously not see that he is HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YA? AGH, I AM SO PISSED. WHYYY? After all you have done for him--saved his life, TWICE; shared intimate moments with him (those weren't fake--not for him at least); and all that jazz. AND, it is so obvious he cares for you.
He gave you bread when you were hungry.
He took beatings for you.
He went with the Careers so he could keep an eye on you. …show more content…
When you were injured he nursed you back to health.
And even to the very last freakin' moment, he was there for you. He told you to kill him because he couldn't bear killing you. He didn't care about himself--he only cared about you. I mean, come one, he nearly commited suicide for you!
And you still are unsure of your freakin' feelings for him. KATNISS WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? GAH!
And when you were on the train and he said one more kiss for the public, you agreed for his sake. Out of pity. Not for yours. And you are all upset that "already the boy with the bread is slipping away from you" and you don't tell him how you're feeling. And he is so freakin' dissapointed and you just LET. HIM. GO. GOSH, KATNISS! Katniss, sorry, I really hate saying this, but you are a huge screw up. You better figure out how to stop screwing things up and unscrew what has already been