The story takes place in the future in many different locations along the way. I know it is in the future because they can create a fake arena similar to a game, but people are inside this dome and the gamemakers can put whatever they like in this dome with a touch of a finger. The time period shows that there are high-class people who are called “District 1” and very wealthy while there is “District 12” who is the poorest. The mood of the high districts are happy while the lower districts is sad and they don’t think it is fair. The tone is the places in District 1 are way nicer, bigger buildings than everybody else, while District 12’s places are like huts and tiny, cheapy structures. …show more content…
I know this because Katniss was brave enough to risk her life for her younger sister Prim and Katniss is the very first volunteered tribute ever for District 12. This can show that she is also very thoughtful because her sister is 12, which is VERY young to be in the Hunger Games and her chances of winning were like .01% so Katniss decided to volunteer because she is almost 18, knows how to hunt and survive in the wilderness if she had