The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future, when North America, after a devastating war has transformed into a country consisting of twelve poor districts ruled by wealthy and heavy-handed government. The authorities in order to punish society for old-time rebellion, randomly choose from each district, one girl and one boy from ages twelve to eighteen, and force them to battle in annual, lethal reality show called “The Hunger Games”. The rules of the pageant are strict since there can be only …show more content…
one survivor who will be glorified and provided with a reward.
Generally, the whole story is thrilling and filled with numerous exciting events; the very first moment which rises curiosity and increases the tension, occurs when Katniss Everdeen, who is the protagonist, volunteers as a tribute to take her younger sister’s place in the gruesome games, as she knows her relative would not survive. The entire story is told from Katniss’s point of view, so readers can exhaustively acquaint with her problems, and experience the adventure with her. Suzanne Collins has portrayed the heroine as a clever and brave person with rebellious personality. During the games, Katniss not only has to face the vicious opponents and deadly obstacles, but also tame her fierce temper in order to gain people’s and sponsors’ favor which may help her to become the winner. What is more, she also has to deal with Peeta’s affection, the male tribute from the same district, towards her.
Undoubtedly, this is a book in which Suzanne Collins has shown her vivid imagination and proved her superior writing style.
The idea of creating such a peculiar story is definitely brilliant and extraordinary. Moreover, the story is well-developed and events are put in a proper order thus the tension rises gradually, and it is impossible to get bored and eventually put the book down. A great advantage of the novel are comprehensive descriptions which perfectly depict the world that the author has created. Nevertheless, some of the depictions are hard-hitting since they contain violence and brutal scenes of deaths which some may deem as too cruel and detailed, especially for the young readers. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning, that this novel is not just a typical page-turner since Suzanne Collins raises serious subjects such as political issues, devaluation of human life and social injustices.
To conclude, “The Hunger Games” is an excellent dystopian book which superbly combines elements of adventure, survival and romance. Even though the novel is enthralling and may be devoured during one rainy weekend, it shows how cruel our world can become, and how life can look like in the post-apocalyptic future; consequently, it encourages readers to reflect upon these important