Luther had a central question: “How can miserable, sinful humans ‘be put with’ a holy, righteous God?” At first he seemed terrified by the thought of the righteousness of God because “he understood it to refer to the holiness and perfection of God, and he hated this righteous of God who punishes unrighteous sinners.” The origin of justification by grace through faith can be traced by as far as the Apostles. Paul was the main apostle that first introduced this idea. Luther studied Paul’s letters and discovered many new ideas of justification through the faith of God. From Paul’s letters he learned: “We stand guilty and condemned before the throne of God, as Apostle Paul said, "There is no one righteous, not even one." (Romans 3:10) "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) "Now we know that what ever the law says, it is to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God." (Romans 3:19).” According to the Ten Commandments it requires us to be perfect, but Paul came to the conclusion that it’s simply
Bibliography: Catherine A. Cory and Michael J. Hollerich, The Christian Theological Tradition, 3rd ed., (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2009,), 318. Greenwald, E., and E. Greenwald. 1868. “The Lutheran Reformation.” In Lutheran Reformation, 248-250. N.p.: 1868. American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Historical Monographs Collection: Series 1, EBSCOhost (accessed November 19, 12). James Kittelson, Luther the Reformer (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1986), 134. “Justification by Faith Alone,” (accessed November 19, 2012). Nick Bibile, “Justified By Faith Alone,” (accessed November 19, 2012). “When and How Did Martin Luther Arrive at the Justification by Faith?” (accessed November 19, 2012). [ 3 ]. Nick Bibile, “Justified By Faith Alone,” (accessed November 19, 2012). [ 7 ]. Greenwald, E., and E. Greenwald. 1868. “The Lutheran Reformation.” In Lutheran Reformation, 248-250. N.p.: 1868. American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Historical Monographs Collection: Series 1, EBSCOhost (accessed November 19, 12). [ 8 ]. “When and How Did Martin Luther Arrive at the Justification by Faith?” (accessed November 19, 2012). [ 9 ]. Catherine A. Cory and Michael J. Hollerich, The Christian Theological Tradition, 3rd ed., (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2009,), 318. [ 10 ]. “When and How Did Martin Luther Arrive at the Justification by Faith?” (accessed November 19, 2012). [ 11 ]. James Kittelson, Luther the Reformer (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1986), 134. [ 12 ]. Catherine A. Cory and Michael J. Hollerich, The Christian Theological Tradition, 3rd ed., (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2009,), 318. [ 14 ]. “Justification by Faith Alone,” (accessed November 19, 2012).