The Ideas Behind The Concept
Today, the ideas that the O`Neills first published have undergone a certain evolution. Although O`Neills book primarily talked about non-controversial ideas for revitalizing marriage, the idea that held on the most is the one that included …show more content…
Although this idea was particularly interesting in the early 1970s, which was a result of the cultural revolution of the 1960s, that idea still holds very much true today. Today, possibly even more then before, marriage as an institution is decreasing in importance. More and more couples are getting divorced each year. This is perceived as a problem, as it leaves broken families, and therefore affects the society as a whole. Today the advocates of open marriage are claiming that sexual freedom of marital partners might be the answer to the growing divorce rates. They believe that the main reason why marriages break down is the sexual frustration of one, or even, both of the partners. Consensual sexual relations with other people can provide the answer to this frustration, according to