central idea of the United States government could be a positive change we need to help the United States in discoveries and technology.
Atheism can go two ways when people are categorized in this group, by saying they are strong or weak. This not being by the how much you can lift or not but by the way that person views a God. With a strong atheist also known as a positive atheist denies any God or any other deities, by way of they this person's views are centered around what can be found true using the scientific method (Philosophy). Also, you have weak atheist also known as a negative atheist, these people will allow you to have the thought of a God and not deny the existence of this, but their personal beliefs say there is no God (Philosophy). Both of these though still lead with the idea of not believing in a God, so to find morals or a purpose in life they look to other ways than religion. One way could be looking to prove all the mysterious of the or the stuff that happens that people say God is doing or that can't be explained. Just with this wouldn't these people with their beliefs be the best for our future in the Technology and innovation aspect of life? With Atheist beliefs and ideas, they seem to have something to prove to everybody else that the world could have been created and existing without all these religious ideas spread all over the world. Here in the US then we should want these people in charge of are science aspect because at their basic principles they are out to make everything believable not by a God but by scientific facts proved by humans.
In a survey done by the pew research center, 41 percent of scientist say that they do not believe in a God or in a higher power of some sort (PEW Research).
Knowing these statistics shows that a growing number of scientist are atheist and taking these beliefs into their field of wanting to prove everything with science over using a scapegoat as the answer. One of the greatest scientists we have ever had Stephen Hawking is a non-believer who has redefined how we look at the universe. In his book The Grand Design he even goes as saying "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going" (alternet). Showing how we don't need a fairy tell the story of religion to explain what we can comprehend. His ideas have changed the entire way we look at the universe and is on the edge of explaining why the universe even exists. With these discoveries, he has made throughout his life by not needing a God to explain everything throughout his life, he has used the beliefs of wanting everything explained by facts or science over mystery or myth. A man called the found of computer science Alan Turing also made great impacts of the discovery and innovation aspect of …show more content…
Atheism is just one idea overall in its basic term, that it’s a lack of belief in a god or in anyone gods.
So, what this is implying then, that everything that has happened or has happened then should be able to be explained. With these thoughts then people who have these thoughts would have a better drive to prove everything with facts, then opinions based on old books that show what a God has done to create and influence the world. A survey done by CNN showed that 58 percent of Americans would vote for an Atheist president candidate (CNN). This may seem irrelevant to helping our science side of moving forward, but with the commander and chief being a man of Atheist principles this would help his ideas be spread to all parts of government. Leading to it sprinkle down to the science area being led by someone who would more likely give more funding for them to work to explain more mysterious, that could be
Though we as humans like to explore things and find answers to everything, maybe religion does help us when we can't explain something and use God for the answer. The first subject people sprint to, is the idea of morality and without religion how can people have morals. Though with a more in-depth look, they do have morals because these should be instilled by the parents if the individual, not by religion. They also still have a purpose in life without religion because they either wish to see or want to prove that science can prove anything.