Color has different influence on decision making process. Different culture has different meaning of culture which initially influences consumption pattern of individual. Subconsciously consumer has perceived different meaning for different color. Based on which different products are branded. Color also has effect on product, price and in perceive value. Color also influence perceive perception of consumer. Well manage color can influence consumption decision but direct conscious impact of color is sometime perceive irrelevant. But subconsciously color has high implication in consumption decision. Color also has different level of influence based on different product category. We also try to find correlation of color in communication, advertisement, promotion and customer relationship. Color also is effective in perceive different meaning. Consumer gets different perceive value just by looking in different color. In food product color sometime has perceive value. Consumer gets a look in food before tasting it where in first look they get an expectation about the food. Color also is persuasive environmentally. Different store environment make consumer feel comfortable and even uncomfortable. Different color combination creates different expectation about product or store. Even the brightness of color has influence on consumption. Like dark color is often seen as offensive on the other hand light color creates comfort and coolness based on common situation. Introduction
With the ongoing crumbling of mass media, point-of-purchasing plays a vital role in promotional mix. There are so many puzzling clutters of products and messages which influences consumer’s perceptual behavior. In marketing, there are so many factors which influences consumer’s buying behavior. Color is the most critical factor which always gain notice and influence consumer’s buying behavior most than any other factors. Color convinces consumers on buying decision. Color is an
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