No doubt about it, pollution has been an environmental threat for a long time to our magnificent ocean and everyone knows that. In the text, “In addition to debris, the oceans are polluted by oil, sewage, and toxic chemicals,”(Dignan 14). This really proves that pollution is a part of environmental threats because oil, sewage, and toxic chemicals keep on either being purposely or accidentally dumped into the ocean which kills fish and habitats they live in. Vengeance did not come with this, but in other hands, overfishing has also been a problem in the environmental threat category. As the author stated, “...have shrunken-some drastically-as a result of overfishing or catching fish faster than they can reproduce,”(Dignan 14). This shows that overfishing is a problem because each time people overfish, down in the ocean fish can’t reproduce fast enough so less fish than before are left and other fish don’t have food then. Of course, global warming or climate change has been a huge environmental threat for a long time. Beyond that, as mentioned by, “Global warming may lead to devastating droughts.” This illustrates that global warming also is a problem to the ocean because like National Geographic said, droughts cause less fish to appear and the ocean gets overflowed with air from humidity so it can’t get air…
Resurrection is the term that is used to describe the rebirth of someone as a new person in their own lifetime. “With A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens asserts his belief in the possibility of resurrection and transformations both on a personal level and a society level.” ( Xiaohua and Liu Dingyuan, Vol. 3, p.1).The most significant character that represents resurrection is Sydney Carton, he appears at the first as a lazy, alcoholic lawyer who cannot even care about the smallest amount of interest in his own life. Carton was the lawyer of Charles Darnay,lucie`s husband. Carton was angry of Darnay because when he told lucie about his feelings, she told him that she is in love with Darnay.…
When waste is spilled into the ocean it spreads throughout the water harming marine life and their habitat. It can affect their hearing, changes in their behavior and can even cause physical injuring or death. Much of the marine life is threatened by extinction. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has threatens our planet with environmental damage. Oil spills like this fill the air with toxins that raise concern for many health problems. When oil is recovered from the ocean floor chemicals and toxins come to the surface, which are the released into the air. This is a growing concern and should not be dismissed.…
Many people do not realize the impact of the oil spills that occur in the ocean. It is like putting water into a heated oil frying substance. It is quite catastrophic. With all the oil spills that have already occurred it is important to help clean ,and prevent oil spills from reoccuring. There is indeed a lot of reasons as to why we should clean and help prevent oil spills from happening but here are the three main reasons. First reason being oil spills cause immense harm to the marine habitats that intern affect the entire ecosystem disrupting its cycle. A second major reason being is all the things that the oil contains and where they go. The third reason we found that plays a major role involving…
To begin, Pollution is a major threat to ocean life. In the text it states that, “Approximately 6.4 million tons of plastic and other debris enter the oceans each year.” (Oceans: into the deep 13). This proves pollution is a big problem throughout the ocean because we liter but we can help the environment by, trying to recycle and dispose of trash properly if we remember to do this, we could help the ocean. Additionally, Fishing is another major problem life in the ocean faces. In the text it states that, “We are carelessly catching fish faster than they can reproduce.”(Oceans: into the deep 14). This shows that fishing is a threat to ocean life because, we are putting fish into near extinction but we can help by making smart seafood choices. Finally, Climate change is the final major threat to ocean life. In the text it states that, “Warming ocean waters, rising sea levels and violent storms disrupt the lives of many species and affect fragile marine ecosystems.” (Oceans: into deep 14). This shows that climate change is affecting the lives of animals beneath the water, but we can help by walking and riding a bike whenever we can. Even though there are many great things about the ocean there are also some dangers too. The ocean is home to many species and is a beautiful place if we don’t protect it we will lose all the life in the…
Global warming refers to the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans in recent decades, which is directly related to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leading to an increase in the amount of infrared or thermal radiation near the surface. This essay will evaluate the causes and their resulting effects of the phenomenon known as ‘Global Warming’.…
The Oil Spill, due to the mismanaged oil drilling by British Petroleum (BP), in the Gulf of Mexico, has turned into one of the worst environmental disasters to happen to an ocean ecosystem of all time. Although many people only notice the effects on the hydrosphere, which include the oil going almost a mile deep under the sea, destroying the sediment and rock on the ocean floor, as well as disrupting coastal patterns, many have not realized the drastic effects on the biosphere because of this catastrophic event. The BP oil spill is viewed as the largest decimation of ocean wild life known to man, as well as also killing human lives in the process. Entire ecosystems have been affected in the process, harming animals like whales, dolphins, fish species, pelicans, seagulls, sea turtles, etc., several of which are already endangered. This destruction of wildlife has also lead to a slowdown in many fishing industries, further affecting human life, and causing severe poverty for those who rely on such business to survive. Even if some of the animals did survive, the trauma faced from this experience will lead to reproductive problems, or most likely, death. Even though life is returning back to the Gulf, the damage done can never be replaced, and the area will never be the same.…
Ocean pollution is such a broad topic, and one that has many facets to it. As a group, we found it to be a very intriguing topic that it relevant to our everyday lives. As New Jersey residents, we have all spent time at the Jersey shore. We have all enjoyed the small and big beach towns, the sand, and of course the ocean. Recently, we have each noticed reduced pollution and cleaner water. Then we read article after article on increased pollution, damaging toxins, deteriorating health and wellbeing of sea life. How can this be, with all the scrutiny and awareness placed on litter and pollution is general. Then we realized that it was more than just leaving a plastic bottle on the beach or failure to through away a paper wrapper. In fact, it is more damaging than this. It is more so about the toxins and chemicals that seep into the land, the runoff from building and homes, the ground and air pollution that comes from industry and factories, and the pesticides that are evident in farming and everyday lawn care.…
Critically evaluate the possible effects of the phenomenon known as global warming and suggest possible responses to them (40 marks)…
We 're treating the oceans like a trash bin: around 80 percent of marine litter originates on land, and most of that is plastic. Plastic that pollutes our oceans and waterways has severe impacts on our environment and our economy. Seabirds, whales, sea turtles and other marine life are eating marine plastic pollution and dying from choking, intestinal blockage and starvation. Scientists are investigating the long-term impacts of toxic pollutants absorbed, transported, and consumed by fish and other marine life, including the potential effects on human health.…
“Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth 's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation.”…
Humans cause oil pollution. We put the boats and ships in the water, we build oil rigs and drill into the bottom of the ocean, and we dump the wrong chemicals into the ocean. Boats and ships have oil leaks just like our cars do. When we’re in the ocean, we can’t exactly clean it up with some limestone. If an oil pipe breaks, we can’t stop push a button and it stops flowing. The oil is coming from underneath the ocean so it takes us longer to stop it from flowing into the ocean. Some people don’t know, or don’t understand, that dumping the wrong chemicals can ruin our ocean and eventually, our land.…
Global warming can bring many long-lasting and devastating consequences to Earth and all its occupants. It is a well-known fact that global warming is real and is caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.…
American scientist Philippe Cousteau said, “Our oceans are facing innumerable threats from overfishing and pollution to ocean acidification and invasive/extinction of species.” This quote rings to our lives today in California because having over 50 beaches locally, we have seen most if not all of them in some manner polluted and mistreated. Simply, we love to visit our local beaches for the cool breeze and the overall view. The sense of “vacation” that draws us after a hard day’s work. We as humans however haven’t done our part to protect and keep our oceans clean, but instead to pollute and make our beaches endangered. Oceans are essential to life because it provides us with food, water and oxygen. Furthermore, it's a home for many species…
Doesn’t everyone love swimming in the ocean and seeing all the pretty sea life? Some people do, and when people are offshore drilling they can cause a lot of problems if something goes wrong. The biggest concern by environmentalist is not a spill, but the pollution of the air and water, damage to the ocean bottom and debris that washes ashore from day-to-day operations of oil and gas rigs. Oil Drilling can lead to jobs being endangered, animals dying, and damaging the eco system. So many animals are dying because of the oil in the water. Proofread to- Government wildlife experts have found just in Alaska that the BP oil spill has threatened more than 400 species including 34,000 birds, 656 sea turtles and 12 dolphins, and this count was taken the first couple days of the spill. The oil is still on a continuous flow. During this lifetime, we will not know the amount of damage and problems caused by the continuing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a massive ongoing oil spill and oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico that started on April 20, 2010. The spill followed a blowout that caused an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig, which then sank off the coast of Louisiana (Barclay). Tragically, eleven rig workers were missing and presumed dead; Thousands of barrels of oil per day had been gushing from a seabed well since the drilling rig exploded (Barclay). (Todd M. Schoenberger, Managing Editor, Taipan's Tipping Point Alert). Many were found without visible signs of oil exposure, and further tests are necessary to determine if oil was a culprit, said Dr. Michael Ziccardi, a professor at the University of California at Davis who heads the Oiled Wildlife Care Network.…