We all know that people in the prehistorical period had to struggle natural environment in order to make livings. They had to hunt preys and gather fruits, even cut down trees to build their houses. However, as technology improved, many people are aware of human activities have great influence on our living earth and raise a big debate on this issue. Some people claim that human activities are damage our living earth, simultaneously, the other people advocate that human activity makes the earth a better place to live. In my opinion, I consider that human activities impair our living earth seriously. In the following paragraphs, I will try to detail why I think Earth is being harmed by human activity.
[Descent start.Good coordination found]
First of all, our living earth is being harmed by human activity because people overuse natural resource in the present time. As everybody knows, the population on our earth nowadays increases["has increased"...becuase it is a recent and well known fact.It is not an observation hence "nowdays increase" is wrong to use] rapidly so that more people than before have to consume more food provision and daily commodities. To elaborate the above description, natural resources will become less and less when population continue growing. Frankly speaking, the amount of petroleum decreases quickly because many people drive their own cars which need gasoline. According to the experts’ indication, people who live on the earth today can use gasoline for only thirty years and will sink into energy crisis in the future.
[Good finding.Need to be careful about language.See the context first and time.]
Secondly, our living earth is being harmed by human activity because human activity also [repetition] leads