H1: The "intention to turnover" is negatively related with "job satisfaction".
H2: The "intention to turnover" is negatively related with "organizational commitment".
H3: The "job performance" is positively related with "job satisfaction".
H4: The "job performance"is positively related with "organizational commitment".
According to the analysis done since today, we can say that the relaton between intention to turnover and job satisfaction is negatively correlated. Also intention to turnover and organizational commitment is negatively related. But the intention to turnover is highly related with the organizational commitment if we compare it with job satisfaction. This result can be seen in the studies of Steers (1997), Mowdat, Steers, Porter (1979), Lum and her colleagues study of 1998 and Cici 's study (1997).
While job satisfaction is weakly and organizational commitment is moderately related with job performance , both job satisfaction and organizational commitment are positively related with job performance. According to Greene (1972) many researchers have found out the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance low or unrelated, on the other hand it has been stated by Angle and Perry (1981), that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational commitment and job performance. When the value of these two correlations are compared it is seen that organizational commitment is a better predictor of job performance rather than job satisfaction.
As a result, organizational commitment and job performance are inversely related with turnover. The relation that exists between them is a positive one and it goes as follows: As organizational commitment increases, job turnover decreases which means that the average time span that an employee stays on the job increases. Hence, the employees become accustomed to the organizational culture, customers, suppliers and, in general, the