In 385 B.C he founded a school that was a model for other schools of higher levels and universities in Europe.
He laid out the foundations for Western philosophy. Believed in containing the truth in the human
In ancient times Greece was divided into city states, with Athens and Sparta being the most powerful and important. Much is known about Athens because it produced many writers and artists, whose work has survived to this day. Athens was the largest and most powerful Greek state. It was a city full of beautiful public buildings, shops, and public baths. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, was the patron of Athens. Ancient Athens didn’t have a king but was ruled by the people as a democracy. Just like many children of noble class, Plato was taught by some of Athens’ finest educators He studied at a gymnasium owned by Dionysios, and at the palaistra of Ariston of Argos. He was educated in philosophy, poetry, grammar, music, painting, and gymnastics by renowned Athenian teachers including the philosopher Cratylus. According to Aristotle, Plato developed the foundations of his metaphysics and epistemology by studying the doctrines of Craylus, and the work of Pythagoras and Parmenides. Plato also had wrestled at the Isthmian games and performed…
One of the most influential minds in western philosophy is of Plato. Plato lived from 422-347 B.C, was born into an aristocratic family in the city of Athens. He was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. Plato followed the basic ideas of Socrates, in which no laws are to be broken despite their relevance. He makes clear why laws should be followed and why disobedience to the law is rarely justified. Plato is considered a very essential figure in the contribution of philosophy and an essential figure to western tradition. He was the prime founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning within the Western World. Plato has a range of teachings that have been used to instruct a wide spread of subjects. Some…
Education allows people to learn more about themselves, and therefore, learn more about each other. Really, the only thing that makes sense in life is to strive for greater collective enlightenment. Plato shows how people become content with life’s delusions when they are not constantly seeking the truth and how experiencing new things will expand their mind to new thoughts and ideas that they were previously blind to. Frederick Douglass shows how humans can use the lack of education to keep others in the dark and only through education can those people break free. Thomas Newman presents the idea that once you are educated, you shouldn’t be satisfied and you should continue to seek out new forms of knowledge. These three author’s ideas collectively…
He was known for his great contribution…
The ancient Greeks had many accomplishments including philosophical beliefs, intellectual ideas and artistic developments. They used many forms of expression to express their philosophical, intellectual, and artistic achievements. These forms essentially made up their culture and defined their lifestyle.…
Ignorance: the condition of being uninformed or uneducated; this basic definition is crucial to understanding one of the most controversial figures in ancient Athenian society: the philosopher Socrates. The man’s entire life was devoted to proving the fact that no one actually knew what they thought they did; that everyone lived in ignorance. This viewpoint earned Socrates many enemies, so many that even a renowned playwright, Aristophanes, decided to exploit the situation. He wrote his critiquing play of Socrates called The Clouds; a scathing criticism that the philosopher would partially attribute to his future indictment on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. The Clouds was not the only literary work that was centered around Socrates however; the works of Plato (a student of Socrates) depict the man in an entirely different light. The Apology of Socrates, a dialogue by Plato, portrays the trial of Socrates as he gives an “apology” or a speech in his defense in order to refute the charges against him. The tones of these two works contrast each other completely; The Clouds being a work that satirizes Socrates while the Apology of Socrates holds the philosopher in much higher esteem. The fact of the matter is that during the turbulent time in which Socrates lived, there were dissenting opinions as to the man’s ideologies; two stark differentiations being the contrast between negative connotation of Aristophanes’ Clouds and the more positive implication of Plato’s Apology of Socrates.…
He got here today because of his influence on Western thought is considerable, and much of modern philosophy developed or opposed his ideas, particularly in the areas of ethics, natural law, metaphysics, and political theory.…
Where did followers of another reformer, John Calvin (Calvinists) live? The city of Genoa Switzerland. Scotland, England, France, Italy, Bohemia, Poland, and the Dutch Netherlands.…
The ancient Greeks are known as a self aware people. No other culture in western civilization history was quite as introspective as the Greeks. They prided themselves as the most civilized society in the world. In fact the term “barbarian” basically meant non Greek. The development of Greek civilization rises from the ashes of the ancient Mycenaean and Minion cultures. From After the decline and eventual fall of the Mycenaean culture in 1100 BCE, the Aegean Islands would experience a “dark age” period for about 200 – 300 years. By 800 BCE Greece would begin to show growth and stability in their government, economy and culture. This period is referred to as the Homeric Age. The writer Homer would write the stories of prehistoric Greek history (If you have not had to read The Iliad or The Odyssey in your academic career thus far, just wait, it is coming.) It is the Greek culture that would be the basis for western cultures for art, architecture, music, theater, philosophy, literature and politics.…
After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.E, the Greek empire was divided. The control of Palestine was given to Greek leaders located in both Syria and Egypt. For about one hundred years, most of Israel was ruled by the Greeks in Egypt. Even though Greek Influence was noticed across Palestine (especially in Galilee), the Jews were generally allowed to coordinate their internal affairs without any interference from Greek authorities.…
Most of his contributions to the world attribute to his method of self-study and self-improvement. His method of self development, that keep curious about the world,…
There are some people from ancient times that seen to have been ahead of their time. The philosopher and mathematician, Plato, was definitely one of those people. Being born into a very influential family, in Athens Greece, which is remembered by its’ intellectual inquires, including sculpture, drama, history, mathematics, science, and philosophy, was very influential in framing Plato into who he became. Another huge factor in creating Plato into the prominent figure he ultimately became was the fact that one of the greatest ethical philosophers, Socrates, was his teacher. Even though Socrates was condemned to death in 399 B.C.E. he had already become “the founder of philosophy”. Unfortunately, Socrates did not leave ant writings behind because he believed that dialogue was the best way to being people to starting to think for themselves and perhaps even change their approach to life itself. But on the other hand, his student, Plato, left behind a plethora of writings. Touching on many different subjects like “metaphysics, (the) theory of knowledge, human psychology, morals, politics, social classes, the family, education, and the arts” (p. 81).…
He was a social and political philosopher that strongly supported democracy. He is well known was one of the most…
With these upcoming elections around the corner, it has come to my attention how knowledgeable the citizens of the United States are about potential leaders and their civilians. In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” written in his book, The Republic, he explains in an allegory on how people are blinded by what government leaders (in his era) were actually doing. He uses the allegory of prisoners limited of moving their heads around, forcing them to see that shadows that passed on the cave’s wall. These prisoners sought to shadows to be reality when the truth is that the shadows were a disguise to the reality. When one prisoner was freed from imprisonment, he left the cave and began to see the reality of things; at first he was distraught by…
Essay One: Explain how Plato’s Timaeus explains how God is "the maker" (TO POIOUN) or "the craftsman" (TO DEMIOUIRGOUS) of the cosmos. The answer should consider how what Plato means by "maker" differs from "cause" and the role that the idea of "space" plays in the Timaeus ' account.…