The Franchise Package
The origin of the KUMON franchise business is a corporation and an education brand created by the late Chairman Toru Kumon who developed the prototype of the KUMON Method in 1954. In 1956, KUMON opened the first KUMON Center in Osaka, Japan. Today KUMON continues to expand its franchise operations worldwide. As 2012, over 4 million students were studying under the KUMON Method at more than 26,000 KUMON Centers in 47 countries. The duration of franchise contract is about two years. If franchisee hopes to continue the contract, the franchisee can continue to sign the contract with the franchisor after two years. The initial investment for starting a KUMON Center in the Malaysia ranges from RM 200,000 to RM 450,000. There are need to pay royalty fees 50% per student per month for it.
KUMON Center franchises are operating in whole of Malaysia which is located in Kedah, Penang, Perak, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Johor, Sabah, and Sarawak except Pahang and Terengganu. As we know, the franchisee will operate an after-school center that provides Mathematics and English reading programs using the KUMON Method of learning. Children are given the opportunity to attend KUMON Centers twice each week throughout the year for approximately 20-30 minutes per subject and complete daily assignments at home on non-Center days.
Kumon branch office staff members take an active role in supporting franchisees with program administration as well as center growth and development. Student materials are continually reviewed, updated and supplied to remain current. In addition, continued training, meetings and seminars are frequently offered to Kumon Franchisees so that they may run and market their businesses effectively.
The Business Information
The type of business is a service-oriented business which is provides education Mathematics and English reading programs using the KUMON Method of