Bibliography: 2) European history 1890-1990. 3rd edition Robert Wolfson and John Laver (2001) 3) European history 1890-1990 4) Tony Howarth, Twentieth century history (1979) 5) David Low’s cartoon of 1933, entitled ‘The doormat’ 6) A letter from the master of peterhouse, Cambridge University, to his friend John Simon, the British Foreign Secretary (1933). 10) From a speech by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to the 1900 club (10 June 1936), reported in The Times (11 June 1936). 12) John Costello, The pacific War (1981). 15) The rise and fall of the great powers. Paul Kennedy (1988). [ 3 ]. European history 1890-1990. 3rd edition Robert Wolfson and John Laver (2001) [ 4 ] [ 8 ]. European history 1890-1990. 3rd edition Robert Wolfson and John Laver (2001) Word count: 369 [ 9 ]. From a speech by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to the 1900 club (10 June 1936), reported in The Times (11 June 1936). [ 11 ]. John Costello, The pacific War (1981). [ 13 ]. The rise and fall of the great powers. Paul Kennedy (1988). [ 14 ]. The rise and fall of the great powers. Paul Kennedy (1988).
Bibliography: 2) European history 1890-1990. 3rd edition Robert Wolfson and John Laver (2001) 3) European history 1890-1990 4) Tony Howarth, Twentieth century history (1979) 5) David Low’s cartoon of 1933, entitled ‘The doormat’ 6) A letter from the master of peterhouse, Cambridge University, to his friend John Simon, the British Foreign Secretary (1933). 10) From a speech by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to the 1900 club (10 June 1936), reported in The Times (11 June 1936). 12) John Costello, The pacific War (1981). 15) The rise and fall of the great powers. Paul Kennedy (1988). [ 3 ]. European history 1890-1990. 3rd edition Robert Wolfson and John Laver (2001) [ 4 ] [ 8 ]. European history 1890-1990. 3rd edition Robert Wolfson and John Laver (2001) Word count: 369 [ 9 ]. From a speech by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to the 1900 club (10 June 1936), reported in The Times (11 June 1936). [ 11 ]. John Costello, The pacific War (1981). [ 13 ]. The rise and fall of the great powers. Paul Kennedy (1988). [ 14 ]. The rise and fall of the great powers. Paul Kennedy (1988).