The prevailing crisis in the world economy has compelled almost all the organization profit and non-profit oriented companies to acknowledge the fact that scientific approaches are the most reliable methods determining accurately and reasonably the future of business environment management experts warned that this is only achieved through attention to singles of changes undoubtedly, different organization have different objective but it Is indisputable that all organization need stock of human resources to translate their set objective into a reality. In the face of the competitive .nature of the Nigeria Economy in the past couple of years, it is considered most for adequate human resources or man power planning training and development to provide the required skills and knowledge.
For the purpose of this research work, man power human resources and employees training will be same thing and therefore shall be used interchangeably in the course of the study.
The important of employee training as it affects job performance of staff cannot be over emphasized.
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was established by an act of parliament in 1958 and formally started operation on the 1st of July, 1959. A board of director appointed by the Federal Government of Nigeria manages the Central Bank. The board of director is presently made up of the Governor as the chairman and four deputy Governors and other part time external director the principal objectives of the Bank as stated in the act are as follows * The promotion of monetary stability and sound financial structure * Issuance of legal tender in Nigeria * Maintenance of external reserves to safeguard the international value of currency * Acting as Banker and financial adviser to the Federal Government and as a Banker to other Banks in Nigeria and board MISSION
It can therefore be said that the mission of the bank is to be proactive in providing a
References: Beach S.D (1990): The Management of People at Work. New York, Macmillan 6th Edition PP.103 – 104 Geber, B Isah, M. (2003): Human Resources Management. Lokoja, Koontz, Etal (1998) Management: New York, McGrew Hill Book Company 9th Edition. Strauss/ Sayles (1990) Personnel: The Human Problems of Management. New Jersey Prentice Hall Inc. Combell (1991) in his analysis of personnel training and development Angus that training is designed for short term stated purpose like this operation of some pieces of machinery. In his own view Beach (1990) has identified benefits of training and development as follow. 2.4 STEP IN TRAINING PROGRAMME Obviously, training of employees can be performing without a systematic process in order to achieve the training objectives Isa (2003:34) listed the below steps in training programmed via: 2.5 FACTORS USE IN PLANNING MEANINGFUL TRAINING PROGRAMME Onyima (2005) unpublished lecture note gives some certain factors that must be put into consideration before embarking on training of employees by an organization.