Violence in video games has been a controversial subject since the birth of digital gaming. Grand theft auto 5 to
Violence in video games has been a controversial subject since the birth of digital gaming. Grand theft auto 5 to
This has resulted in video game impacting American politics, television, pop music and Hollywood. However, in the past decade, there have been countless controversies surrounding the production of video games, especially games of a violent nature such as the very popular “Grand Theft Auto” and "Need for Speed" that are marketed to children and teenagers. The controversy lies on the matter of responsibility—specifically, are marketers and video games producers responsible for the contents of video games or are parents responsible for ensuring their adolescent children do not have access to games made for mature audiences. Through an objective examination of the legal, moral, and social responsibility of producing violent video games, this paper will present a thorough analysis of both sides of the debate on the matter.…
* Douglas A. Gentile and Craig A. Anderson, from “Do Video Games Lead to Violence?” Violent Video Games: The Newest Media Violence Hazard, (Praeger, 2003).…
This unhealthy obsessive addiction with violent video games has been seen as a growing influential factor to great violent behavior in children. Years have gone by and specialists have been observing and studying of the variety of health hazards that violent video games may cause on individuals. A large number test and observational studies have been proven to find the true effect of violent video games and how they influence aggressive behavior and thinking towards children of all ages. Violent video games such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto are negatively affecting children, expected behavior by excessively cultivating violence, inappropriate language and sexual…
Mark and Keisha Hoerrner, "Video Game Violence," Children's Voice, vol. 15, January/February 2006. Copyright © 2006 Child Welfare League of America. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced by permission.…
Video games have always been a great landmark in the history of the human race and how great and advanced they’ve become since their creation. Video games also have their own timeline and certain points in time in which major controversy has arisen. Newscasters have made full reports on how video games are the major contributor to thoughts and actions of violence in the minds of all who have purchased them, either being adults and all the way down to children of all ages. Even though newscasters and reporters may be seen as respected and credible sources this topic has always pinned video games as the culprit but they were never the ones to blame.…
After review of the publication, Game On, a Harvard Health Letter, I discovered that the social and cultural ramifications of video games are of high debate upon many parents and adults. Games are played by people of all ages and sexes but the vast majority of “gamers” are teenage boys. This is worry some considering they are attracted to action games with bloodshed, violence and explicit content. In Grand Theft Auto, a best seller, the players sell drugs on the streets while shooting at gangs and buying prostitutes, what we in America consider violent behavior. Thirty years of research prove that media violence promotes aggressive behavior in young people however, due to the amount of additional underlying factors which can be ruled in such as substance abuse, cultural beliefs, abusive parents and innate personalities, it is very hard to establish a direct connection between the violence stemming from these games and other things. Through research of brain scans they have proven that thoughts of aggression and violent shooter games will activate the brain in a similar way however, directly showing a link to the games and violence in the real world has not yet occurred. Although some claim that games have real benefits it seems they are more so to promote aggressive behavior. With more and more people becoming addicted to the games, game “detox” has erupted to help the one in twelve young people affected by…
Video games are basically known as a staple among American teenagers. Many teenage boys and even some girls spend hours of their day staring at the TV screen and rapidly pushing buttons on a controller. Many of the top selling games in America strongly involve violence in their gameplay. These types of games raise many questions about how they affect the people playing the games. Are there negative consequences or are these claims just made up? There is research to back up both claims but the negative effects of violent video games seem to overpower the positives of recreational violent video game play. Manufacturers should enforce their own policy towards people who play their games in a more efficient way. Video games have multiple severe problems associated with the violence that is so heavily incorporated into them. Video games can give a false sense of reality and allow gamers to become so immersed into their game play that lines between real life situations and game play situations begin to blend together. Playing video games can also become an addictive distraction. Many avid gamers can spend hours at a time glued to their TVs playing on their Xboxes, PS3s, and other gaming consoles. This time spent playing games can take away from other activities. Important things like schoolwork and grades can be affected by spending all one’s time playing games instead of focusing on more important things. It can cause people that play the games to go to sleep super late in the night. The students then have to wake up early and go to school tired and will not be able to focus and stay awake to learn the material being taught. Video games also spur a sedimentary lifestyle. Obviously, not getting enough daily exercise leads to weight gain and other health issues. Violent video games also cause behavioral and social problems. These games desensitize people towards killing and steer them in the direction that killing is…
Video games can only reflect cultures that already exist. The author of the article “Violent Video Games Are Not Linked to Real World Violence”, Torrey Meeks, confirms this with the following assertion “On that basis, video games say something about our culture; they don't make culture.” According to “Violent Video Games Are Not Linked to Real World Violence”, video games are a form of art which can address current issues of concern. This is touched upon when Keith Feinstein states, "I was frightened to death back then, and Missile Command was a perfect reflection of that. It turned everyone's attention to the issue.” The gritty nature that some video games choose to showcase, is merely a reflection of the real world. People are murdered, sometimes with brutality and for no good reason, this has been a fact before video games were a thought. When a video game highlights this, it isn’t a matter of wanting to badly influence the youth, it’s a matter of divulging truth to the common…
Video games around the world have become immensely popular, a multi-billion dollar industry. An industry which revolves around the wants and desires of children and teens. An industry with a creation of unique entertainment like no other. An industry that continues to grow rapidly. Hours and hours are spent each day by youths playing these games, but are they really good for them? Are they educational? Games which educate a child’s mind exist but they wouldn’t be as popular as your top seller shooting game. Nowhere even close. Here I am today to tell, to inform, and to enlighten parents on the dangers of letting your child play these violent games.…
Some people think that the game “Grand Theft Auto” leads to more violence and young adults to drive recklessly. That's nonsense. No one drives recklessly because they do it in a game. No one robs a bank or kills innocent souls because they do it in a game. “The researchers looked at a number of factors,…
Halo, Call of Duty, and Gears of War are just three of many grossly popular video games today, and they have one main thing in common: violence. Whether one is shooting down Nazi soldiers on the beaches of Normandy or sawing apart Locust drones on the planet Sera with his or her lancer, one is engaging in extremely violent video-game action, and probably having a lot of fun doing so. With the rapid growth of intensely violent games, parents and politicians across the nation have begun to protest against violence in video games and have even gone as far as to say it is the cause of violence in America’s youth. Is this really true? Are video games the problem? Just like the rock and roll movement of the 1950’s being blamed for youth delinquency,…
Violent video games and television shows has been the source of entertainment for years. Violent video games made its first appearance in the early 1970’s. In 1972 Sony released a very popular game, Call of Duty. This game series, gave many people, especially youth, aspirations to join the military. In 2004 Icon Productions released of the most realistic movies in history. The movie Passion of The Christ depicted a very clear and precise way that people were treated in the older days. Many may argue these first two categories of violence were the booster seats of violence, but these violent video games and other entertainment outlets have little to do with contributing to youth violence. According to Jacob, 65% of youth today do not have the instinct to determine what is real and what not (Purdue.) Violent video games are positively used, they help kids prepare for the military, build self- esteem within themselves and gain heroic qualities, despite contrary beliefs that it generates bullying and family violence.…
The controversy surrounding violence in video games stretches back to 1976 and involved violence against stick figures. Over the years, violent imagery has increased in the frequency it appears in games and in the graphic depictions of violence against people and animals. Concerned parents, activists and researchers have long suggested that viewing such material is inherently harmful to children and adolescents and encourages criminal behavior. When people looked for reasons why two teenage boys would murder their classmates at Columbine High School, violent video games were blamed in the press (McKibben,…
Video game violence is an increasing problem in today’s youth with violence as one of the most popular themes. Games such as Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty are among the most popular games and have been scientifically proven to have a major effect on teens. Many people try to argue that there is a difference in the effects between genders, however it has been proven wrong. Video games have the same effects as other forms of entertainment but do not get attacked like video games because the other forms are much larger than video games and have a much wider audience. Violence in video games is a rising problem in the United States, causing teens to have less self-control and more emotional disturbances, requiring more attention from parents and the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).…
Hey, thought you might get a little enjoyment from this. I have a son who is Autistic and can't verbally communicate without an aac device. He is very high functioning and has an IQ that is way beyond mine or anyone that I know. He has the most unusual problem of not being able to lie, it can be rather funny on occasion.…