The Problem__Its Background
“The person starts with nothing” by. On the grade school they start to encode all the basic teachings like reading and writing. They are also playing with their classmates and enjoying their childhood stage. After that the students enter on the adulthood stage or the high school level in the school. At this stage the students must listen only to their friends and not to their parents or guardian. That’s why many students are entering to drug addiction, alcohol, smoking and the early pregnancy stage. So they have the lesson to learn through their experience and through others (vicarious learning). After the students were graduated in the high school level they are now ready to face the reality of their life. Some students were immediately looking for a job but the others are continuing their studies in college level where they focus on their skills. Then, if the students should enter to the tertiary level the students must encounter the new knowledge. Of course, they acquire knowledge to their instructor who gave the best learning to them. The students are given more trust to their instructors. The tertiary levels are sometimes six months for vocational; four years for Bachelor of Science; two years non Bachelor; or it should be reached in the ten years for the doctoral degree. The subjects in tertiary levels are different to the subject when we are in the grade school and high school level; it is much more seriously rather than our past learning’s. On the first year of their tertiary level they are keep on looking for many acquaintances or even the relationship to their opposite sex. They’re subjects is more on minor, so that they did not feel the stress and the mastery of their field. They also didn’t focus to their field. But when they are in the second year level their subjects were also minors but with the touch of the major subject. They were also having peer groups but they chose with the same to them. And