In today society, every American house have at least one television. Television can be both a valuable asset as well as a negative influence for children of all ages. There is always an on-going debate whether the television influences the children. But there isn’t a doubt that the television has an impact on a children. According to a study of American Psychological Association shows that television viewing has led to shortened attention spans in children. When introducing a good educational programs to the children, it can help expand their learning potential in the future. But television viewing can also affect the children learning ability, short attention span and teach them to be lazy. Therefore, too much television is not good for the children. Most of the time, television shows provides no educational benefits for young children (Foster). The children are busy watching television and it leaves less room for activities or like interacting with other people. Three studies from University of New Mexico have shown that watching television delays language development, even if it includes educational programming like Sesame Street, Baby Einstein. Dr.Vic Strasburger said “babies require face to face interaction to learn. They don’t get that interaction from watching TV or videos. In fact, the watching probably interferes with the crucial wiring being laid down in their brains during early development." Parents generally assume that products such as Baby Einstein promises to make the babies smarter include speaking skills. But the parents are wrong, majority of though videos don’t try to promote language or any helpful to babies. I believe children require face to face interaction to learn. Children do not get that interaction from watching television. There is nothing better than the parents spending time with their children like reading books, talking to them and play with them. Sometime even watching a
References: American Psychological Association (2004). Report of the APA task force on advertising and children. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from Bernhardt, Amy. “How Television Fast Food Marketing Aimed at Children Compares with Adult Advertisements.” Vol.8 Issue 8 (2013): 5-. Academic Search Complete. Web 08 Oct. 2013. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). Combatting Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from Christakis, A. Dimitri. (August 2003). “Early Television Exposure and Subsequent Attentional Problems in Children.” Retrieved from Foster,E.Michael, & Watkins, Stephanie. “The Value of Reanalysis: TV Viewing and Attention Problems.” Child Development Vol. 81 Issue 1 (2010): 2-. Academic Search Complete. Web. 08 Oct. 2013. Kannass, Kathleen N, Colombo, John, & Wyss, Nancy. “Now, Pay Attention! The Effects of Instruction on Children 's Attention.” Journal of Cognition and Development Vol. 11 (2010): 6-. ERIC. Web. 08 Oct. 2013. Kirkorian, Heather & Pempek, Tiffany. “The Impact of Background Television on Parent–Child Interaction”. Child Development Vol 80 Issue 5 (2009): 2-. SocINDEX. Web. 08 Oct. 2013 Marilyn, Elias. “Short attention span linked to TV Children show effects by age 7.” USA TODAY, 2004. Web. 07 Oct. 2013. Russell-DeLucas, C. (June, 2010). TV and Obesity in Children. Retrieved from http://www.