Information and communication technology (ICT) has become, within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society. Many countries now regard mastering the basic skills of ICT as part of the core function of education.
The unique role of ICTs in improving the quality of Education is unquestionable. It contributes to the fulfilment of the necessary condition for the delivery of quality education. The development of ICT significant create new opportunities to students and teachers for gaining access to educational materials. It also improves operational ability and management effectiveness at specific educational centres. Marina (Patru, Evgueni Khvilon 2002)
As Feather (2002) stated in his study, the rapid and continuing growth and development of ICT is indeed transforming the ways in which we live and work. Advances in ICT have continued to change the way the world interacts that some have termed the trend as “the second industrial revolution.” (Feather, 2002).
According to UN Global E-Readiness Report (2005), new technologies are likely to continue to have a profound impact on the political, economic, social and cultural values of the world in the coming decade. As a result, governments of the world are seeking to harness this potential of the ’Information Society’ for development, economic
Records and information distribution control (cont.)
Information Distribution Methods – Information distribution is the timely collection, sharing and distribution of information to the project team.
The methods could be: portals, collaborative work management tools, web conferencing, web publishing, and when all technology is not available, manual filing systems and hard copy distribution becomes necessary