You can possibly treat alopecia by taking anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed for autoimmune diseases. Corticosteroids can be injected into the scalp area or you can take it orally, or applied as an ointment. Other than that I don’t think than anyone or even a dermatologist could help grow your hair back because hair usually grows back on its own. People’s hair usually grows back unless it’s a serious problem. 10% of people’s hair dot …show more content…
“Because hair is an important part of appearance, hair loss can result in feeling unattractive.” There is a possibility that there hair can grow back but there is always that 10% that their hair will just not grow back. Alopecia is hereditary for some family, it’s in my family. My mom, grandma and some other people in my family have hair loss but it’s all in different ways. Like my mom has it because of her disease and my grandma has it because she old. There are different ways alopecia can