Entry Control Procedures for Controlled Areas
Securing PL 1 Non-Nuclear Resources
1. Control entry to the restricted area and the individual resources.
2. Establish a successive series of security screens and active patrolling
3. Provide continuous intrusion detection and surveillance at the restricted area boundary and actual resource. Use posted sentries when IDS is not installed or not operational.
Provide dedicated response elements as follows:
1. An Entry Controller (EC)
2. An Internal Security Response Team (ISRT).
3. An External Security Response Team (ESRT)/Area Supervisor
Securing PL 2 Resources
1. Control entry to the restricted area and the individual resources. An Automated Entry Control System (AECS) may be used instead of an actual person, like a keypad that reads a Restricted Area Badge
2. Provide continuous intrusion detection and surveillance at the restricted area boundary and actual resource. Use posted sentries when IDS is not installed or not operational.
Provide dedicated response elements as follows:
1. An Internal Security Response Team (ISRT).
2. An External Security Response Team (ESRT)/Area Supervisor
Securing PL 3 Resources
1. Owner/user and 51 SFS provide internal control and surveillance for aircraft parking areas. 2. Provide continuous intrusion detection and surveillance at the restricted area boundary OR individual resources.
Provide dedicated response elements as follows:
1. An Internal Security Response Team (ISRT).
2. An External Security Response Team (ESRT)/Area Supervisor
Know Post Responsibilities
1.1. General Duties and Responsibilities of Posts and Patrols.1.1.1. Immediately upon being posted, read and comply with your Special Security Instructions (SSI), inspect the gate shack and/or vehicle, and all equipment associated with the post (e.g., map, grid disk, OIs, SSIs, fire extinguisher, etc.). Report discrepancies or deficiencies to BDOC prior to relieving off-going