Prof. Jeannette Lugo
Ingl 3102-030
January 16, 2010
The importance of Christmas Celebration
Among all the festivals, holidays and traditions all people celebrated during the year, Christmas remains the most observed and most popular. It is purely a global celebration. This season is the most joyous time of the year. The traditions surrounding the celebration of this season are almost as numerous as the people who celebrate it and may change from place to place. Through the years, the holiday has been adapted to local customs, culture and history and so has produced an amazing variety of Christmas traditions around the world. Christmas celebrations are all about dressing up in style, throwing parties, decorating Christmas trees, eating sweets, exchanging gifts, dancing to the tunes of Christmas carols, rejoicing in the festive spirit, playing games, singing songs and merry making. But, what is the really importance of Christmas celebrations? The significance of Christmas is known to all the people, all over the world. It is celebrated normally on the 25th of December and is a religious holiday. In fact, Christmas is celebrated all over the world as the day when Jesus Christ was born, we celebrate his coming into this world, but at the same time Christmas also symbolizes a very deep significant truth of spiritual life. Jesus is recognized as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Jesus Christ is in reality the personification of Divinity. The birth of Lord Jesus happened at a time when ignorance, greed, superstition, hatred and hypocrisy prevailed on earth. Purity and morality was forgotten and neglected. Christ was born and he actually transformed the lives of people. He gave a new spiritual turn to people's lives. Jesus is the real meaning of Christmas, the hope we have in Him, the awesome plan of the Father. The great sacrifice of the son and the love that He has given us. There came a real change upon the land with His birth. People started upon a whole new way of life. A new era dawned for the entire world. With the birth of Christ, Christianity essentially begins; thus, Christmas also celebrates the beginning of Christianity. Small but wonderful point of deep significance is connected with Christmas celebration. It is the time when all Christians come together and celebrate Christmas with great zeal. Christmas brings happiness to the life of Christians. The deep significance related to Christmas indicates the religious awakening comes to seeker, who is ideally humble and poor in spirit. Quality of true humanity is fundamentally crucial. Then we find out holiness, renunciation and simplicity for the pride of learning. There are still enough people in the world who look upon Christmas as a special time to give. It is a time when thinking about us is overshadowed by the want to help others less fortunate and therefore, Christmas is a time of sharing and caring unlike any other times seen throughout the year. It is a time when local food banks can count on the generosity of their community members to give what they can to help those who just cannot help themselves. It is a great time to focus on love and hope. It is a celebration of humanity and mankind. It is also express his message of love, tolerance and brotherhood. Christmas is the most precious time of year for friends and family to gather and show their love and appreciation of each other. It is a joyful time to reflect on the past, talk about the present, and dream of the future. It is a time to give, share, and receive and most important for peaceful co-existence. It is time we learn to forgive each other and allow peace to reign in our hearts. Christmas is one of the biggest reminders that God has a plan for today and tomorrow. It is what is in your heart, whether you are religious or simply spiritual or even a non-believer. Christmas is an annual wake-up call for us to be kind to one another, to set aside differences, and to reach out a helping hand to those in need. It is associated with peace and goodwill and of course, magic. It is the remembrance that Jesus was born and was our savior.