The only difference is that Guido had his young five-year-old son Giosue with him. The only reason Guido was showing courage was because he wanted to protect his son from the reality of life. In the movie, it showed Guido “translating” a German officer explaining the rules to make it sound like a game. He told his son that this entire place was a game and that you get points; the person/team with the most points wins the tank at the end(Life Is Beautiful). You could say that Giosue’s father brainwashed him, but it was for his own protection. The ultimate goal for all the Jews was to survive, and not everyone did. Unfortunately, Guido risked his life to save his son and to see his wife. Even though Guido knew he might not make it back alive, he ensured that his child would stay protected from the Germans. What’s more courageous than that? So Guido relied on courage to persevere during the
The only difference is that Guido had his young five-year-old son Giosue with him. The only reason Guido was showing courage was because he wanted to protect his son from the reality of life. In the movie, it showed Guido “translating” a German officer explaining the rules to make it sound like a game. He told his son that this entire place was a game and that you get points; the person/team with the most points wins the tank at the end(Life Is Beautiful). You could say that Giosue’s father brainwashed him, but it was for his own protection. The ultimate goal for all the Jews was to survive, and not everyone did. Unfortunately, Guido risked his life to save his son and to see his wife. Even though Guido knew he might not make it back alive, he ensured that his child would stay protected from the Germans. What’s more courageous than that? So Guido relied on courage to persevere during the