* One group of people are happy that they finally left a marriage where they were very unhappy. They feel that they have their life back, and sometimes even their health back. They feel relief and freedom and are proud of themselves that they finally got themselves out of a bad situation.
* The other group has huge regrets. They look back and see that, if they had hung in and worked on themselves, they could likely have created a loving relationship. They are disillusioned with their experience of dating, and realize that their ex is a good and caring person. Most of the time their ex has moved on and …show more content…
Divorce may be the answer for you when:
* You are married to a drinking alcoholic, a drug addict or a compulsive gambler who has no intention of healing
* You are married to a physically or emotionally abusive person who has no intention of …show more content…
You are very lonely in the relationship.
* You have fully explored and healed what originally attracted you to your partner, so that you don't repeat the same mistake.
* You have explored and healed your end of the relationship system - such as your neediness, caretaking, enabling, anger, blame, compliance, demanding, addictions - and feel happy within yourself. Without healing your end of the relationship system, you will take your baggage with you, and create a similar relationship.