I understand dress code. I’m not entirely against them. Someone has to tell kids to pull their pants up, but it is taken to extreme lengths when enforcing these rules on girls, causing them to be ashamed and embarrassed. Some people say that school is a professional environment, and …show more content…
If it’s hot we should have the right to wear shorts and tank tops if we please, we are not doing it to be ostentatious. Schools shouldn’t really be concerning themselves with what we wear, but rather with what students are learning unless the article of clothing is TRULY unruly and completely inappropriate for school. With the constant enforcement of the unfair dress codes school’s factuality are sexualizing girl’s bodies to the point where it is absolutely impossible to let them show a little shoulder. Not to mention it is absolutely embarrassing to have an adult commenting on it saying you should cover up, or having other students labeling you for what you wear.“Dress codes assume that it’s male students whose learning needs to be protected – and adult males who need protection from themselves. What girls need doesn’t rate consideration.”
— Enforcing school dress codes teaches girls to be ashamed, not ‘modest’ | Jessica Valenti
Schools have concern whether students are learning or not, so they should be more focused on keeping girls in class and learning, not sending them home to cover up. It interrupts the girl’s learning, and it is ridiculous to be sent home just because some boys couldn’t “control” themselves around bare shoulders or