The reality in America is that Two out of three eighth-graders can’t read proficiently, Nearly two-thirds of eighth-graders scored below proficient in math, Nearly three out of four eighth-12th-grade students cannot write proficiently. All these students that do stay in school and finish are being sent out into the world with less than adequate education to actually get them a head. A study of 27 industrialized countries found that the United States ranked 25th in math, 17th in science, and 14th in reading. For the U.S to continue to be a superpower and allow the next generation to be able to compete with our foreign competitors, the United States needs to work on their students for a change because at this rate the once great superpower of the world is going to be nothing but mediocrity.
About 1.1 million students drop out annually. What this means is that over one million people go out into the real word with little education to earn them a job with a sustainable living wage, which only contributes to the economy issue. Most high school dropouts do not have any redeeming qualities that employers look for so they have to choice to settle with a minimum wage job, if any job at …show more content…
More money is spent on welfare programs than the average American child’s education. Teachers are underpaid and schools are underfunded. All these trigger student receiving mediocre, at best, education that leaves them struggling in the dust racing to try and catch up to our foreign neighbors that dominate the workforce. If the United States continues at the rate at which they are going, the U,S. will no longer be a world