Internationalizing the education is the one of the technical ways to applying the EMI to make opportunity for the students to participate in the global academic community (Dearden, 2014). Many researches showed that the majority of important and influential educational resource and material are in English especially sciences materials. Thus the home students or the students who are speaking with their own native tongue after their graduation from school will not be able to challenge with the world market in long term or in short term to study in another country where the system of teaching is EMI, implementing EMI in schools and universities possibly help the students to be successful in all their academic subjects (Macaro, 2015). As Professor Ernesto Macaro, briefly mention that “More and more institutions across the world are using English to teach academic subjects, spurred on by a desire to internationalize their offer and their academic profile” (as a cited in Dearden, 2014). For instance the government of Pakistan decided to conversion the system of all their schools from the Urdu medium to English to Medium or the other country like Bahrain, India, and Cyprus they are widely used English for public education and established colleges in the system of English as a Medium of the Instruction (Dearden, 2014). Therefore, there are …show more content…
Nowadays, who has the ability to speak English fluently he will get a good job with high payment in any companies and also it became mandatory to have the knowledge of English to express yourself because when you work in large company they will give a chance to travel around the world to visit new people it’s necessary to communicate with them with the language they can understand (Importance of English as a Career Development, 2015). For example in India the career service in the field of technology, business and commerce require good skills of English (Thorpe). Therefore, English as a Medium of the Instruction play an essential role in the development of economic; in terms of increasing Foreign Direct Industry (FDI) and make more facilities to have a better job with more payment. Also, some data showed that the English language has a positive impact on the economy and job opportunity on the country which used EMI. For example a statistical research was done by the British Council from Euro monitor that demonstrated in the developing countries, which English has benefited the developing country economically and also This report indicate that English has a positive role in the economy of developing countries such as Pakistan, Nigeria, Cameron, Bangladesh, and Rwanda (Lotbiniere, 2011). There are some countries which they used EMI to improve