This video talks about the times during the civil rights movement. It further explains the hardships the African American race went through during that time. Segregation was the biggest problem at that time. During the civil rights movement, black people faced segregation, uniting as one to fight for a similar prize, and successfully attaining that prize. During the Civil Rights Movement, black people faced segregation. Black people were discriminated against just because of the color if their skin. Public places such as restaurants, hotels, and even restrooms, were separated by color. White people had their own neatly kept places, while black people were stuck with dirty rundown places that were incompetent to the white people's establishments. A young man named Emmett Till was reported flirting with a white woman and told her "bye baby." A couple of days later he was found dead, brutally beaten with a gunshot wound to the head, and tied to a large metal fan with barbed wire. His mother held an open casket funeral to show everyone what white men had done to her child. …show more content…
Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks are just a couple of the major leaders that helped fight for our equality as black men and women. Rosa Parks sat in the front of the bus and was arrested when she refused to give her seat to a white person. This spurred up boycotts all over the city. The law was eventually removed because of all the business they loss from the boycotts. Martin Luther King's powerful "I Have a Dream" speech inspired and empowered many black people all around to fight for their rights as human