Examinations are important because they compel students to learn. Without them most students would not learn. So they would know very little about the world. They would learn only subjects in which they are interested and ignore the other subjects which are thought to be difficult, though they are very important in the modern age.
Examinations also help us have some ideas about a person’s knowledge of certain subjects. For example, if a boy has passed the Primary Six Examination, we can at once know how much knowledge he has. Accordingly, we can have some ideas of what kind of work he can do. This is why most employers want to know what examinations a person had passed before he is given some work.
Finally, examinations are interesting because we can test how much we ourselves know. When we sit for an examination we enjoy answering what we know, though we feel sad if we are not successful in an examination.
*The importance of examinations (exams)
Life today has become so complex that examinations have come to play an important part in one’s educational career. Examinations are considered so important that most students are afraid of them.
The ability to pass an examination is indeed a valuable quality. It shows that the student is able to express his thought and ideas to a manner others can understand. It also shows that the student has acquired a certain amount of knowledge in some branches of study. Besides, the mind of a student, even if he is dull, receives good exercise when he prepares for an examination. A student’s success in an examination, therefore, helps employers and others to assess his mental or general ability.
Some people, however, argue that examinations test only a certain kind of skill. They say that many people have a good memory and a special ability to pass examinations and achieve brilliant results, though