Many people undermine the importance and contributions of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also known as NASA. As president Obama is forced to make severe budget cuts, NASA is among the most affected programs to endure the blow. This issue does not take aback many people, but experts say that what is occurring will affect everyone as well as the economy more than they may believe. These extreme budget cuts recently issued by Congress impinge on the NASA space program by having a large impact on culture, and risking the setback of innovation in today’s machine-driven society.…
Imagine this for a second. A young teary-eyed boy sits in the waiting room of the hospital as the doctor informs him about his father’s failing heart. As awful and heartbreaking as this situation sounds, that boy’s father is able to stay alive via a ventricular assist device that will continue to pump blood through his veins until he can receive a necessary heart transplant. This device is ever-present in the field of medicine and is responsible for saving countless lives. Well this device is just one of the numerous technological innovations that would not exist without the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) whose future is in doubt due to its detrimental budget cuts. In the frequent media’s light, NASA has been negatively portrayed as a useless organization and this has led to many believed the whole organization…
In the early morning of February 1st, 2003, the US watched in horror as the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated over the blue Texas sky (Simberg). The wreckage of the ship and the remains of her seven crew members were strewn all across Texas and parts of Louisiana. Even the most staunch NASA believers contemplated their support for the agency as fire rained from the sky. It had been nearly 17 years since the last fatal disaster of the Challenger explosion, and this served as another frightening reminder that space travel still is not safe. The incident caused the question that everyone asked themselves that day: Is the journey of space travel and exploration worth the sacrifice of human lives? This line of thinking has ultimately lead to the debate over whether we, as American tax payers, should continue to fund NASA in its mission to explore and understand the universe. I propose that NASA is not only an important part of our government, but an absolute critical piece of our development as a human species.…
Reasons as to why the U.S. Government should continue to fund N.A.S.A’s space program is a huge controversy today. With the ideals that American tax dollars should be spent on more important things and that companies are now able to construct their own rockets that are able to send people on excursions into space, really is what challenges government support and true betterment of humanity.…
After reading “Cost Of Space Exploration” and “Poverty in America” it is clear that this is a debating topic. One side of the debate argues that space exploration has nothing to do with poverty and that space exploration is great. The other side argues about space exploration causing poverty.…
In 1961, the world was changed forever, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin entered the spacecraft Vostok 1 and traveled into space. Following him in the same year, was the American astronaut Alan Shepard in Freedom 7. Then in 1969 the crew of the Apollo 11 mission landed on the Moon. This space race in the 1960s helped to light the fire of man’s interest in outer space and has lead mankind to wonder if we could live away from the comfort and safety of planet Earth. Many scientist and explorers have wondered if it would be possible to colonize the Moon or Mars for the purpose of research, resources, and hopefully a secondary home for the human race. However, many people have also doubted the idea of leaving the safety of planet Earth to explore other options of habitable places. Many argue that space exploration is dangerous and some critics argue that it is using too much money that could…
The FBI could use some more money because the crime rate is high in America and it has a negative impact on society. NASA is not as relevant to society as the FBI…
The question is should NASA fund asteroid studies? I think they should fund the asteroid studies because it could help us move to other places, it could save lives by building inventions that capture the asteroids, along with us trying to see if they have valuable resources. I believe it could help with protection, lifestyles and resources. The reasoning for these things is to help us out incase we try to move to a different places in our solar systems such as Mars. We could also try to build stuff that lets us go further in space. We could also find other life if NASA funds the mission like plants of life that could be similar to us.…
Remember the “Space Race” against Russia? What would have happened if we had shut down NASA before that? Getting a man to the moon was a Cold War victory! Shutting down funding for space exploration would be utterly devastating. Did you know that we can do research in space that we can’t do on earth? In space, we can understand more about gravity, and how machines work in different conditions, special medical research can be done in space, and there are many ways NASA improves on your everyday life that you didn’t even know. NASA is an American space program put forth to explore and learn from space currently funded by the U.S. government. Some say that Nasa should be cut off from government…
Even if we discontinue the funding of NASA we could still have some control over space in some way by setting laws so the states could have some control over the private companies that would fund themselves. If we keep funding NASA or set some control over the private companies we may be able to make some profit off of the space program and besides, would you rather live in space or on another planet, than stay on earth. And in any way the earth is going to inevitably die anyway so basically the only way to survive is to leave this planet and go to an entirely different solar system and find a faster source of space travel like a “Warp Drive” or a “Black Hole Engine” to…
In an essay about space travel, David Livingston claims that "space absolutely worth the cost" (Source A). According to Source C, however, space exploration doesn't have a lot of funding. "Space and technology" receives only a fraction of the money reserved for "all other" programs, and therein lies the issue. Later in his essay, Livingston states that space exploration could "...[inspire] our youngsters to grow up, do the schoolwork, and accept the challenges that await them…" Unfortunately, the miniscule value that is placed on extraterrestrial travel prohibits humans from creating any sort of "inspiration." In the same vein, Livingston argues that the money spent on space programs like NASA doesn't just disappear, it is used to pay workers ranging from manufacturers to doctors. By funding these programs, we are creating jobs. Ultimately, space is a new frontier, and it deserves to be explored, not only for the more romantic reasons like inspiring our leaders of tomorrow, but in order for us to learn and connect with worlds beyond just our…
Its fact that space exploration is an exceedingly expensive business. It is a multi-billion dollar industry, with low initial expectations being achieved. For example by 2011, the average cost per flight of the space shuttle (alone) was estimated at $450 million dollars, or $18,000 per kilometre to low earth orbit. Many, many people in the world live in slums or worse on the streets not knowing were their next meal may come from. Still the population funds NASA to go into space, for what? To achieve advancements in technology or medicines. This money could be used to create some things right here on earth and possibly gain the same results, for the poor and ill. Also the high costs could lead to substantial economic loss and great difficulty involving money may appear causing possible strain on the nation. Overall, the significant amount of money spent each year on going into space could be used to achieve more realistic and…
First of all, what is NASA? The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research.…
It is unarguable that there are problems here on Earth. From terrorism to health care and the economy, America and the rest of the world have problems that need to be solved. While there are problems here on Earth, the United States should continue to fund space exploration because it contributes to national security, stimulates the economy and leads to further technological advancements. America cannot afford to stop exploring space in an effort to solve other problems. Instead the U.S. needs to take a look at how space exploration is already working to solve those other problems.…
A lot of people are asking the same question about space exploration these days. Why spend the money on space, when we have so many problems needing money here on Earth? The answer is resources and technology. Space exploration has provided so many new technologies and resources to us on Earth over the years. Without space we would definitely not be as far along in technology as we are today. Space Exploration for a lot of people, provides a different perspective, or view of life. It gives people a real sense of place in our wonderful and large galaxy. Space exploration also provides an understanding of our world and can even help protect the world. NASA has a group known as the Earth Science division that helps us understand how complex and interesting our world is. NASA also studies other planets like Venus and Mars which help us…