Before moving I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I did not know anything about the new country expect the fact that people speak in English. After spending 12 years in India, I moved to an environment that was completely different from the one I came from. I knew that this was going to be my biggest hurdle I would have to overcome and I did. High school was a very different experience for me because it was way different then how it was back in home. Learning a new language was most likely the hardest thing I had to do …show more content…
It has changed my life. Many people from different countries come to United States and drastically change within in a short time period. I have changed a lot from the kind of person I was before, but I think I have changed in an extremely good way. In my country women are told what to do. They do not get the respect they deserved. Mostly they are looked down by the society. In America you are independent. You are free to whatever you desire. I think now that I am in college I can understand better why my parents moved here. They wanted me to have a better education, freedom, and more opportunity. Now I would say that moving to United States was the best thing that ever happened to me. Thanks to my parents. In America, I decide how my future will turn out to be. It is up to me to use my independence with responsibility. My journey to America has given me the best experience anyone could ever