The cement industry has closely relation with Raymond raw materials. Raymond the pros and cons of raw materials is an important factor to determine the product quality is good or bad. Raymond amount of raw materials determines the size of the production scale. Generally produce one ton of cement consumed 1.6 tons of Raymond raw materials. And mostly natural Raymond raw materials. Therefore. Dependence Raymond raw materials is essentially dependent on natural resources. Taiwan in the cement clinker, c; s, c2s, c3A and ctAp four major minerals, calcium components provided by the calcareous Raymond materials, silicon aluminum composition of the raw clay. In addition, according to the needs of the production process of product varieties need to join the iron correction Raymond raw materials. Usually in the raw meal calcareous Raymond raw materials accounted for about 80%. The clayey Raymond raw materials accounted for 20 to 15 percent. Therefore. The the calcareous Raymond raw materials and clay Raymond raw materials essentially determine the performance of the raw material.
In addition, the cement production process, sometimes adding some auxiliary materials, such as in the raw meal by adding mineralizer flux burn ability phase-liquid nature to improve the raw material, plus nearly grinding aids to improve the mill Yang grinding efficiency; add to squat together material common Yang grinding to improve the performance of cement and increase cement production; added retarder to adjust the setting time of cement clinker.
The cement industry care there are three types of solid fuel, liquid and gaseous fuels. The solid fuel is the main fuel of the current members of the cement