To begin with, safe-haven laws help prevent child abuse. Child abuse can happen if your child doesn’t cooperate while changing their diaper, changing their clothes, or even feeding them. Anyone can abuse their child and nine out of ten parents have got aggravated enough to think about doing it but have enough self control to not …show more content…
Knowing there is a place for them to go is a relief factor for many in case it gets too difficult to take care of them. Being a parent is very overwhelming and if you don’t take it step by step you might end up in a bad situation that you don’t want you or your child to be in. Let’s face it when you get in a bad situation it’s very scary trying to get out and you could get overwhelmed by that also. But even though parenting could be overwhelming the love some share with their child is priceless and it is the best feeling when you get to see it in person.
All in all, safe-haven laws protect the lives of children of parents that either can’t take care of them or don’t want them. Also, with these laws you have an option if things weren’t going as you had planned them to go. If you have a child and you need to do something so you don’t have to take care of it any more, don’t harm it just it off at a safe-haven location and they will take it from there.
Works cited: “Safe-Haven Laws.” Issues & Controversies. Infobase Learning, 9 Jan. 2009. Web. 10 Oct.