In their informative report, “Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission?” Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus report their findings from conduct a study addressing the rising costs of college tuition, unfair wages of adjunct staff, and the declining quality of education in colleges and universities today. (179).…
The big question for students and parents today would be, are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission? The excerpt, “Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission,” by Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus is to evaluate whether or not the cost of tuition is worth the benefit anymore. Both of the Authors elaborate in this excerpt by providing problems with the higher education costs and solutions that will allow for money to be saved by students. By focusing on these points of opinion Hacker and Dreifus provide detailed examples of how to fix Americas’ higher education problems.…
Is your college degree worth incurring significant debt? Such as the question “Is your college degree worth incurring significant debt”. For several years, students ask its a college degree worth incurring significant debt for real and they have many questions about that.…
“You want to waste a million dollars? Go to college.” Said by Stacy May, college student attending East Carolina University. This now raises the question: Is College worth the money? Over time, as college prices rise, families struggle more and more with the prices. It could cause one to go straight into the work force, but college graduates make more, but end up owing more. It seems like an unavoidable conundrum.…
(1) Exam #1 date. See your syllabus course schedule, as will be either Thursday 9/18 or Friday 9/19 during regular class time. Be on time or you may not be able to take the exam, and besides, some of you will need every class minute for the exam. Especially for freshmen, if you do not understand the pitfalls preventing some from doing well on exams and how to avoid them ... then read my article and the editorial by Dr. Allan Saxe "Why do some students succeed and others fail to achieve desired class grades, and academic goals & objectives?"…
Many people today question our education system. Many more of them will question education like colleges being worth it. With today’s job market and the cost to go to college, you might think it is not. A lot people in our society view higher education as an investment that will pay off in the long run but many others would tell you that you are just wasting time and money.…
My mind was very weak and I couldn’t focus so it left little time to study. I have gotten back in a grove of things since Christmas Break and school now is going great. I had to focus on the bigger picture staying in college and running track so now I have dedicated all my time to study, I have had this approved by my work. I have also retaken 1 of the 2 classes that was hurting my GPA, the first class is Math and so far I’m doing great in it and I am dedicated to get a B in that .The second class I am currently taking is my English Class and I am averaging an B in the class with only 2 papers left, which is a big improvement from the original grade of an…
Is college really that important in a person's life? Many successful and rich people that are included on the top 400 richest Americans list happen to be college grads. That being said, college can help you become a very successful man or women. College is also the most important step into making your future different or better. College gives you so many more options for your occupation after college which also comes with a better amount of income. Not only will you ever getting money and a good job but also great, everyday skills.…
The reason why my GPA is low was because of my life conditions. At the time of my school education about half way in it, I was having issues in my marriage that later it lead to a divorce that dreaded on awhile and because of that, I also had a hard time to keep up with my bills, which caused me to be severe depressed, sad, and anxious. Which also caused a decrease in attention/focus on my education in school. I really had a hard time to get back into my books and to stay focus in school. If it wasn't for the support from Brown Mackie College Professors to understand my situation, and to help me stay focus I would have never been able to complete my education at Brown Mackie.…
Is going to college worth it? Is it valuable? Some people think it’s valuable, but others don’t. It could be because they don’t know any reasons on why college is valuable. Why? Well having a college education is Important. It can help you in the future. It can help you have a better job, family, and be healthier (money wise).…
College is very important in today’s society. College offers different degrees and jobs to better people in the future. College is the key to a better life. School after high school benefits your way of living in many ways. It is a proven study that college makes you richer. College also helps you get smarter and to train for your field of work. I was always told that college inserts you a spot in society, so take advantage.…
Throughout my life I have embraced challenges, whether it be academic or athletic, because I know that challenges will only make me better. While in high school, I have maintained an A average while also playing sports year round. I have taken many honors and AP classes while in high school, because of the challenge the classes present. I believe by enrolling in the honors program I will be able to challenge myself once again to become a better individual. Also, I believe by enrolling in the honors program I will be able to gain a completive edge over others involved in the physical therapy doctorate program and finding a job in the future. I hope that this program will take my education to the next level and give me the tools to succeed later…
Grade point average, also known as GPA, determines how successful the semester was based on grades and credit hours. To determine a student’s GPA the research question is does gender, stress, credit hours, and age impact the outcome of the GPA? Hypothesized, the differences in gender, age, stress and credit hours will determine a persons g.p.a for the semester. To test the research question multiple regression will be used to determine if gender, stress, credit hours, and age impact GPA based on the 60 participants and the survey addressed to the students. The results show that the only significant independent variable in regards to predicting GPA is the amount of credit hours taken during the semester.…
Within the past decades the price of college has risen substantially, but the amount of students that are attending college seems to also unexpectedly keep rising. Due to greater attendance and higher costs of college the issue of whether it is worth it has emerged within public debate. Whether or not college is worth the cost should not be in question as the benefits of going to college heavily outweigh the drawbacks. Critics argue that college is not worth the cost, because a portion of the population cannot afford it, but that argument does not weaken the value of college. Those who cannot afford the cost of going to college should simply not go as the financial burden can be devastating to a family economically, but that does not diminish…
A. (10 points) Suppose you want to save the same (constant) amount each year in nominal dollars. How much will you have to save each year so that there is enough money to send your child to college?…