Children need to be limited on the amount of screen time they have on a daily bases. Spending too much time in front of a screen "can lead to weak executive functions, lower test scores, and obesity in children". In my personal experiance screen time can cause anger, innapropriate behaviors, and issolation for children and that is why my children are very limitted with screen time. "In the united States of America children access screen time on an average of seven and a half hours a day." Since we have started the evolution of screen time being accessable anywhere at anytime from cell phones, televisions, tablets, laptops, computers, and so much more. " Children eight years and under have more than doubled screen time and children two and under has more than doubled between 2011-2013". …show more content…
" Play is important it develops emotional health, imagination, original thinking, and problem solving skills". Limitts should be set for anyone ion how much time is spend on a screen. According to American Pediatrics " Children 2 and older should be limited to only 1-2 hours for screen time a day and children 2 and under should have no screen time". I whole heartyedly agree with this as children birth to five years in age are developing everything they need to live and survive in the world when they get older. Screen time should not be present too much during the first five years of anyone's life so they can properly function as