Seat belts are designed to retain passengers in their seats during a collision to reduce the risk of injury. Being ejected during a collision is dangerous, 3 out of 4 of people who are ejected die from their injuries. Seat belts are therefore a very effective way of reducing the risk of injury and death. As you can see from the graphic to the right, they reduce the risk of death during a crash by 45% and the risk of serious injury by 50%. There are still some cons of wearing seat belts. Sometimes, during certain types of collisions, the seat belts cause further injury.…
Meet John. John is a good guy. Your average Joe. One day John gets in his car to go to work. He puts on his seatbelt like the government made him and starts driving. While John is driving over a bridge he sees a duck crossing the road. He veers to avoid it and crashes into the water. John's car is sinking. He struggles with his seat belt, but he can't get it off. He can't breathe. The next morning, John's car washes up on the beach. All his family and friends are very sad. Under seat belt laws this could be you.…
There are many stories that circulate about being in car crashes, with or without wearing seatbelts. This particular story however, outlines what will be a constant theme throughout my whole paper: the horrible effects of not being buckled up while driving. This is a mother’s story, a woman by the name of Samantha Babcock. As you read this, think of how much the safety of your loved ones means to you.…
Every Fourteen seconds someone is injured in a traffic accident in the United States alone. On average someone dies every thirteen minutes. In fact car crashes are the leading killer of Americans between the ages of three and thirty-three. If those people had been wearing a seatbelt the chances are they would have escaped serious injury or death. Have you ever thought about what the difference of wearing your seat belt could make? Or have you ever though if wearing your seat belt would make a different outcome? Wearing a seatbelt drastically increases ones chance of surviving a car crash. Seatbelts are the single most effective way of protecting ones self in a motor vehicle, yet despite the overwhelming evidence twenty-five percent of teens do not. Its time we enforce…
Several sources were reviewed by the authors to establish the need for the study as well as to stress the importance of preventing the use of seat belt on newly admitted residents. The literature reviewed by the authors dates from the year 1997 to 2010 (Gulper et al., 2012). There are forty-two articles cited by the authors that discuss physical restraints (Gulper et al., 2012). All sources are relevant to the topic of either physical and chemical restraints or fall prevention. (Gulper et al.,2009). The citations within the paper are all referenced correctly.…
Most people who talk this way and still refuse to use the safety belt are only hurting themselves. Back in 1989 it was said that if two-thirds of the population did not pass seatbelt laws in that year, motor vehicle companies would have to install airbags and automatic seatbelts inside of all cars. The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration estimated that 6,700 lives’ were saved during a 3 ½ year period. A University of Michigan study in May found that traffic deaths declined 8.7% in the first eight states with seatbelt…
With only a fraction of the states in the United States enacting laws that require seatbelts on school buses, most of the 23.5 million children who commute on school buses do so without the safety of a seat belt. Seat belts should be required on all school buses, not just on smaller buses or specials needs buses. This additional safety measure must be available for all who travel in a school bus. Even though opponents to seat belts suggest that requiring them would be costly, and result in diminished seating capacity / bus availability on routes, an average cost of $1.50 per child per year is a small price to pay to ensure children 's safety. With the time that children spend on school buses during the school year, belts should be a requirement just as they are in passenger cars. Considering all the fatalities and injuries that have occurred, seat belts could have changed the…
Car accidents are the leading cause of death and injury in the United States of both adults and children. Seat belts were invented for the purpose to help reduce death and injuries. An airbag is not as effective if it was not for a seat belt. “In the United States, a mandatory seat belt law was first enacted in New York in 1984. Lund et al. [6] found a nine percent decline in traffic fatalities in the first nine months when New York enacted mandatory seat belt law.” (Dissanayake 32) There are two types of mandatory laws, Primary Seat Belt Law and Secondary Seat Belt Law. Depending on the child’s age and weight determines how they should be buckled in. “The lifetime medical cost of crash injuries was estimated to be $18.4 billion: $7.7 billion for treated and released patients and $10.7 for hospitalized patients.” (Bergen 895)…
As you're driving down the highway you will most likely see "Click It Or Ticket" signs, and you may ask yourself, has the government gone too far with this law? People in America have the right to risk their own life by doing things such as rock climbing or bicycling without a helmet, the freedom to choose to wear a seatbelt is no different. Since the forming of our country our rights have become more and more regulated and the seatbelt law is only one example of this. You may want to ask yourself how many freedoms are you willing to loose before you object?…
Motor vehicle accidents and the fatal injuries sustained remain the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 4 and 34 (NHTSA, 2006). Teens and young adults aged 15-29 years are the most vulnerable to motor vehicle injuries and they account for 38% of motor vehicle crash injuries (CDC, 2016). Seat belt use has been reported to save approximately 13,000 lives each year and has prevented fatal injuries (CDC, 2011). In 2010, more than 30,000 deaths from vehicle accidents were recorded, 53% of those killed were not wearing a seatbelt (NCSL, 2012).…
Now anyone can argue that if you were to be so unlucky as for your car to fall into a river, lake, or any body of water, that your seatbelt would impair you and not help you. This is why people should also carry an emergency kit inside their car, one that has a hammer to break glass and also has a knife to cut the seatbelt. Many people also argue that seatbelts are not comfortable; well that is why there are seatbelt pads…
II. What is the impact of seat belt use and Who is least likely to wear a seat belt?…
Not only do people not use car seats at all, but there are a great number of children who isn’t even properly using them. A great deal of evidence shows that when properly used, child safety seats and safety belts can save lives. In fact, studies have shown that during a collision, these seats reduce the risk of death by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers. That is a large number of deaths that could be prevented just by doing the simplest tasks.…
In society today, seatbelts can either save someone’s life or take it away from them. Multiple people everyday in the United States die from not wearing a seatbelt while driving. People should wear seatbelts, not only is it the law, but it makes roads safer and it can save lives.…
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that a change to the primary law will increase observed belt use 11 percentage points. This jump in belt use should prevent about 64 fatalities, 650 serious injuries, and save $140 million in economic costs annually. People often ask how a safety belt can help them if they are involved in a collision. Studies show that using a seat belt reduces the risk of dying in a vehicle by 50…