Title X is one of the most controversial programs, Title X provides much needed family planning services that have lowered the number of unwanted pregnancies and offers teens sexually transmitted disease counseling and testing. The positive aspects of sex education programs should not be overlooked. In recent years, it has become common knowledge that teenagers have a high pregnancy and STD rate. A major factor is, teens lack the knowledge in knowing how to shield themselves against sexual activity. If teens are made aware of how to prevent the risks associated with sex, the number of pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases would lower.
Sex education programs are focusing on all education levels of children to make them and their parents more cautious of the situation. However, there are several arguments against sex education in schools and clinics. Sex education is a subject that has become increasingly important for all age groups of growing children. Unfortunately, parents are not always equipped to guide their teens. With sex education programs generating awareness, teenagers have the ability to protect themselves. In order to do this, teens need to be educated about the perils of sexual activity. They also need to know about contraceptive choices and STD prevention. There is such a high degree of exposure to various concepts a youth would not understand. Even though teens are aware of the world around them, there are still many aspects of life they need to learn. Sex is an issue that needs be dealt with carefully because young adults are constantly exposed to it. Sex is a
References: Anderson, Kirby (2005) Comprehensive Sex Education Does Not Work. At Issue: Sex Education. Greenhaven Press National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association (2005) Requiring Parental Consent for Contraceptive Services Puts Teens at Risk. At Issue: Teens at Risk. Greenhaven Press U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (2005) Parents Should Be Consulted Before Teens are Given Contraceptive Services. At Issue: Teen Sex. Greenhaven Press